The above discussed examples show the advantage of orthoprojec
tion* Not only are the production time and the cost reduced but
also the length of the production period# A line map of an
extensive area produced by the stereoplotting technique is
available only two years after the photoflight [3], when a
photomap can be delivered to the user after about six months#
as Related to Instrumentations# Papers for Intern#Symp# on
Orthophoto Technique, Krakdw 1974«
Ducher G#, Some Aspects of Orthophotography in Prance#
Papers for Intern# Symp# on Orthophoto Technique, Krakow 1974*
Krauss G#, Pape E#, Experience in the Production of 1:5000
Photo Maps in North Rhine Westphalia# Papers for Intern#
Symp# Orthophoto Technique, Krakdw 1974#
ci ortofotomap /Analys of the photographical and geometrical
features of the orthophotomaps/# Prace Komisji Gorniczo-Geode-
zyjnej PAN# Oddzial w Krakowie /w druku/#
[l] Dubuisson B#, Various Economic Aspects of Orthophotography
Sitek Z#, Analiza fotograficznych i geometryeznych wîaéciwoé-
Voss P#, The production of 1:5000 Orthophoto Maps in North
Rhine Westphalia NOV# Nachrichten ans dem öffentlichen
Vermessungsdienst Northrhine - Westphalan 1/1968#