Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

The basic map is produced using the photogrammetrical 
methods / rectification, ortophoto and machine plotting/. 
The entire undertaking is completed in stages adapted to the 
actual economic needs and the production abilities of the 
institution. For agricultural areas the first stage in the 
production of the planimetric map is the determination of 
property boundaries. 
For introductory investment projects of communities as 
well as country areas having intensive agricultural production 
land morphology is included in the basic map. ItJpLs drawn from 
existing topographic map in a scale of 1:5000 or 1:10000, by 
photomechanical means. 
For city and metropolitan areas, we produce in the first 
stage a planimetric and contour map, and in the next stage 
an inventory of underground industrial network /e.g. sewer 
system, water maints/ is carried out. 
In this report , the stereoplotting method of the basic 
map plotting will be described, which is most widly used in 
the region of southern Poland, together with organizational 
and economical aspects. 
Indeed, a map of certain regions is produced by a combi 
nation of methods, hawever these are relatively small areas 
and these methods remain marginal to the photogrammetrie 
work carried out in the company. 
The map is drawn upon a graphical basis, however sporadi 
cally in order to record land plots in digital form coordina 
tes are recorded. 
Individual stages of plotting are shown in figure 1. 
Work begun after receiving instructions from the United Geode 
sy and Cartography Enterprice ”GEOCART" in which is stated 
our object to be mapped, scale and map contents. 
The given areas are administrative units having defined 
borders on the topographic map / 1:25000/. The surface area 
varies between 600 - 800 km. 
The first act is the execution of analysis of already 
existing network and mapped material on the given terrain 
/point 2/. On the object usually exists an elementary network 
/triangulation net, polygon networks / which served as aides 
in drawing up maps in the scales 1:25000, 1:10000, 1:5000. 
This network is not sufficient with respect to density and 
sometimes even with respect to accuracy for large scale map 
ping. In certain parts of the object, there may also exist 
large scale maps produced for the fulfillment of immediate 
needs. In result of the analysis some regions of object are

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