Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

prefabricated v/all elements, Przegl^d Geode- 
zyjny, 1974, no .8 
5* Buja^iev/icz A., MaJde’A-, Niepokólczycki M., 
Preuss H., The photogrammetric measurement of the 
statical and dynamical changes of mechanical 
constructions. Proceedings of the Conference of the 
Technical University of Warsaw, 1976 
6 . Kowalczyk W., Photogrammetric measurement of the 
deformations of foundy crane, The master disserta 
tion, Warsaw, 1971 
7. Majde A., Niepokólczycki M., Juzwa K.,- The metrical 
documentation of the bearer construction of 
theater hall, The proceedings of Conference of 
Geodetical Inventory of Conctructions, Katowice,1974 
8 . Majde A., Bednarski T., The stereophotogrammetric 
measurement of displacements with a film camera in 
a process of explosive forming, B u U.Soc. Franc. 
Photogramm.1971 no.42 
9- Ma ¿de A., Niepokólczycki M., Using the photogrammetric 
method for the hydrotechnical problems, Przegl^d 
Geodezy^ny, 1974, no .1 
10 . Ma ¿de A., Niepokólczycki M., The measurement of the 
velocity of dusty fertilizers deposited from the 
nozzle of the plane, Proceedings of the Conference of 
the Technical University of Warsaw, 1974 
11 . Niepokólczycki M., Photogrammetric measurement of the 
deformations of the bridge in Tarnowskie Gory, 
Proceedings of the Conference of the Warsaw Technical 
University, 1974 
12. Niepokólczycki M., Skrobek K., The measurement of the 
deformation of the power-line pillars by photogrammetric 
method, Przegl^d Geodezyjny, 1977 , no .7

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