Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

The requirements for stereometric cameras are as follow: 
1/ possibility of setting-up camera axle in various tilts /hori 
zontal, vertical, tilted up or tilted- down/« 
2/ possibility of set-up of base-tube in vertical position 
3/ possibility of changing of the lenght of base 
4/ possibility of optional orientation in relation to any referen 
ce coordinate system 
5/ remote shutter release 
6/ light weight* 
Some parameters of most popular stereometric cameras are listed 
in table 2. 
The conditions 1,2,5 are fulfiled by few stereometric cameras# 
None of the known cameras has an device for exact horizontal 
camera scientation SMK-40 and 3&K-120 are equiped with special 
alignment mirror, which allows on base set-up# parallel to the 
object plane# This device is useful only in the case, when the 
façade has a visibly horizontal line# Base lenght can be changed 
only in the new Wild P3A32 stereometric camera# 
The majority of stereometric cameras are in our opinion too heavy 
and are useful for taking photographs from ground stations only# 
Let*s consider now instrumentation necessary for the office work# 
In 51 it was pointed out that we are using in architectural 
photogrammetry three forms of presentation results: graphical, 
photographical and numerical# For graphical presentation the basic 
instrument is plotter# For architectural purposes the following 
requirements should be met by the plotters: 
1 - wide range of setting-up the principal distance, 
2 - large scope /interval/ of Y - movement /in direction of 
camera axis/, - 
3 - possibility of setting-up short base value /b4^ Q Y/, 
4 - plotting possibility for tilted photographs /for instance 30° 
or 60°/, 
5 - plotting possibility in different planes: XY, XZ,YZ and 
easy connection between plotter and coordinatograph, 
6 - possibility of setting-up all orientation^elements /relative 
and absolute i#e# X’ , X* , , ?*’ , co f oS , by, bz/# When 
photographs are taken from higher stations - without man 
control, above mentioned possibility is necessary# 
Universal plotters /comparatively expensive/ satisfy conditions 
1»2,3,5,6# Requirement 4 is fulfiled only by a special construc 
tion of the autograph /Stereoplanigraph, Verostat, Stereosimplex 
II/c/ or by an additional adapter to the plotter which allows 
for plotting from tilted fixed photographs /UBR-Opton, tilt- 
calculator Zeiss-Jena/# For architectural photogrammetry 
plotters with simplyfied constru ction which are constructed 
for terrestrial photographs can be useful* But these autographs 
need photographs with known and particularly set elements of 
the outer orientation. Table 3 show’s main parameters of the 
plotters, which can be used to architectural photogrammetry# 
Comparing the requirements with the possibilities one can state 
that available plotters are suitable for plotting from all simple 
cases of photographs#

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