Working Group VI/i of Laval University 9 Quebec City,
Canada who has been carrying out a thorough study of
the world-wide inventory of the present status and
requirement of photograrametric education at various
levels since 1964, has also identified similar three
Another important aspect of photogrammetric
education Or* Brandenberger tried to investigate over
the last twelve years was the most favourable ratio of
photogrammetric personnel at different levels i*e*,
between photogrammetrist with post-graduate education,
photogrammetric technologists and photogrammetric
technicians* In 1968 the information about this ratio
was not clear* It could be 1:2:5 or even 1:3:10*
In 1972 Or* Brandenberger again stressed that "For
planning of photogrammetric education on a national
level it is necessary to know this ratio* From the
available information it appears that on a world-wide basis
there exists or is requested an average ratio between the
three levels of 1:2*9:5*4* For Individual countries the
reported ratios show considerable fluctuations varying
between the limits 1:3:4 and 1:3:20"* In 1976 Dr.Branden-
berger repeated, "The number of required photogrammetrists
at various educational levels should be determined in each
On the basis of the above careful analysis
of world-wide situation of present photogrammetric
personnel and realistic projection of future requirements
and assuming an appropriate ratio of personnel at the
above three levels it should be possible to do some
realistic planning for necessary photogrammetric
education facilities for the future at all the three
levels* In a developing country like India when we try
to proceed on the above guidelines, several pertinent quest
ions arise. In formulating projections for the future
photogrammetrically trained man-power requirements, to what
extent the economic growth rate has to be considered, to what
extent socio-economic conditions have to be taken into