During the closing session of the Symposium on Wednesday, 5 th September
1962, a number of resolutions were proposed, and after some amendments
these were passed by the meeting. The final versions were as follows.
Resolutions of working Groups
Working Group 1
1. In accordance with the functions of Working Group 1 of Commission VII,
a close contact between Commission I and Working Group 1 of Commission
VII will be stimulated for the benefit of both Commission I and of the
Working Groups 1-9 of Commission VII.
2. Commission VII is convinced of the importance of psychological factors
involved in photo interpretation. Further work in this field is encouraged
and is to be related to the physical description of image quality which is
mentioned under 3.
3. Commission VII wishes to stimulate and interrelate:
a. the application of modulation-transfer theory and granularity data to
photo interpretation;
b. the application of tone reproduction data to photo interpretation.
4. Image quality, a subject which is assumed to be a point of focus for an
invited paper in Commission I, will be of equal interest to Commission VII,
particularly to Working Group 1, and regarded as such.
5. It is suggested that papers dealing with subjets, as mentioned under 2, 3
and 4, being of common interest to Commision I and to Working Group 1
of Commission VII, should be dealt with in combined meetings between
Commission I and Commission VII, to ensure adequate coordination.
6. These resolutions are put forward to provide more effective coordination
between Commission I and Working Groups 1-9 of Commission VII.
Working Group 2
It has been agreed that discussion of hydrogeological problems in relation
to photo interpretation may be a subject of interest for the meeting at Lisbon
in 1964.
Working Group 3
Working Group 3 (Soils) of Commission VII of the International Society
for Photogrammetry, meeting at Delft, September 1962, agrees that system
atic interpretation of aerial photographs is an indispensable tool in increasing
the efficiency of soil surveys in land development; the way in which photo
interpretation and fieldwork are carried out and combined should, however,