Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

Literature cited 
Gharlesworth, J. K. The Quaternary Era, with Special Reference to its Glaciation, Vol. 1, 
Edward Arnold, London, p. 177, 1957. 
Gould, L. M. Glaciers of Antarctica. Am. Philos. Soc. Proc., Vol. 82, No. 5, p. 836, 1949. 
Roscoe, J. H. Regional Photo Interpretation Series-Antarctica. U.S. Air Force Manual, 
AFM 200-30, August 1953. 
Thiel, Edward. Antarctica, One Continent or Two. The Polar Record, Vol. 10, No. 67, 
January 1961. 
U.S. Army Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment. Problems in Mapping Snow 
Cover. SIPRE Report No. 27, December 1956. 
Mr. Muhlfeld (B.R.D.): Is it possible to put oblique photographs into a plotter in order 
to draw contour lines? Answer: Yes, it is possible to plot contour lines from high oblique 
photographs with certain mechanical plotters. There must be, of course, sufficient detail on 
the ground to permit stereoscopic fusion. Among the instruments that can be used are the 
Zeiss Stereoplanigraph and the Santoni No. 4. Certain optical projectors such as the Kelsh 
plotter can be modified to accomodate high oblique photographs and can also be used to 
plot contours. High oblique photographs produced by the German Antartic Expedition of 
1939 were later plotted with the Zeiss Stereoplanigraph. 
R. G. Heller (U.S.A.): Was aerial navigation accomplished visually or electronically? 
Answer: Some of the aerial photography has been flown by visual contact of the terrain features 
such as the coastline. The Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition of 1947-’48 produced much 
photography flown in this fashion. The U.S. Navy Highjump Expedition of 1947-’48, which 
produced the greatest amount of aerial photography, employed radar between ship and air 
craft to facilitate navigation. 
Dr. A. P. A. Vink (Netherlands): Was super-wide angle photography ever considered for 
the Antarctic or are there special disadvantages? Answer: We look forward to the use of super 
wide angle photography. The extra large coverage will make it possible to reach ground 
control on fixed terrain points such as nunataks; the possibility of making large-scale maps 
(larger than 1 : 50,000) will be facilitated; photo interpretation of ice and snow features will 
also benefit from this type of photography.

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