Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

This work was carried out in London during June 1985 
(Stove, 1985) with the aim of identifying leaking 
water mains, sewer collapses end piperuns below the 
pavement surface. The main conclusion from this 
work was the complementary nature of the two systems 
since the impulse radar provides information relating 
to the depth of features beneath the terrain, that is 
in the vertical plane, whereas the TVFS provides date 
about the spatial extent of the phenomenon in the 
horizontal plane. For example, at one particular 
sewer site the ground impulse radar indicated a 
marked discontinuity between the structure of the 
road and the fill materiel beneath; normally this is 
indicative of poor compaction or voiding in this 
zone. Also, a reduction in the radar signal velocity 
occurred which indicated that the material in this 
zone was of a much higher moisture content then the 
surroundings. Analysis of the TVFS imagery over the 
same area was carried out by density slicing the 
thermal emissions to indicate l°c temperature 
intervals. A clear indication of the size of the 
sewer was obtained and a marked increase in emission 
was detected corresponding to the discontinuity 
recorded by the ground impulse radar. 
The work on this particular application is at an 
early stage of development and a method of automating 
the measurement of any correlation between the 
data from these two complementary sensors is 
currently being considered. One possible solution may 
be to reformat the output from the ground impulse 
radar and record this on videotape (Stove, 1985). 
The radar data could then be digitally formed into 
image form and registered with the TVFS date. 
6.5 Further Applications 
In addition to the projects outlined above TVFS 
systems have potential application for many other 
environmental engineering projects including: oil 
pollution monitoring, monitoring of spontaneous 
combustion of waste tips, power station cooling water 
discharge monitoring, ground water and spring 
detection and hydraulic leakage from dams. 
TVFS systems differ considerably both in optical 
design and in radiometric characteristics from 
thermal linescanning instruments. A wide range of 
instruments are currently available using distinctive 
imaging techniques. Such instruments provide an 
alternative method of acquiring thermal data and, in 
general, at lower cost, if a light aircraft is used 
as the measuring platform. By using suitable image 
processing techniques and ground temperature 
measurements for calibration purposes quantitative 
thermal characteristics of the terrain can be 
deduced. It is suggested that TVFS systems have a 
significant role to play in the acquisition of 
thermal data for environmental engineering projects 
particularly when used in conjunction with other 
complementary remote sensing or geophysical sensors. 
The authors wish to thank the following organisations 
and individuals for their assistance with this 
project; Barr and Stroud Ltd, University of Surrey 
Research Committee, Professor G. Petrie, University 
of Glasgow, Mrs V. Brown, University of Surrey. 
Amin, A. 1986. Geometric aspects of airborne 
thermal video frame scanners. Ph.D. Thesis, 
University of Glasgow, (in preparation) 
Berry, J.P. and Runciman H.M. 1981. Radiation 
scanning system. Patent Specification 1586099, 
The Patent Office, London,. 
Clement, W.Z. 1985. Airborne video detection of 
geothermal areas on Mt. St. Helen's, 
Washington. 19th Int. Symp. on Remote Sensing 
of Environment, Ann Arbor 
Chiari, J.A. and Morten F.D. 1982. Detectors 
for thermal imagers. Electronic Components 
and Applications, 4(4), 242-252. 
Dale, C.D. 1985. The interpretation end 
processing of video based thermal infrared 
imagery. Project report, Dept, of Civil 
Eng., Univ. of Surrey, 94pp. 
Ekin, W.H. 1984. The development of an 
inexpensive retractable vertical camera rig 
for a light aircraft. Photog. Record, 11(63), 
Everitt, J.H. and Nixon P.R. 1984. False colour 
video imagery: a potential remote sensing tool 
for range management. Photog. Eng. and Remote 
Sensing, 51(6), 675-679. 
Geraci, A.L. and Caltabiano, T. 1983. Water 
quality monitoring of eastern Sicily's coastal 
zone near Taormina using remote sensing techniques 
Proc. of the 3rd Sypm. on Coastal and Ocean 
Management. ASCE/San Diego, California, 194-205. 
Geraci, A.L. 1983. Remote sensing analysis of oil 
pollution in Augusta Bay, Sicily. Proc.of 
EARSEL/ESA Symp. on Remote Sensing Applications 
or Env. Studies. Brussels, Belgium, ESA-SP 188. 
Kennie, T.J.M. and Edmonds, C. 1986. The location of 
potential ground subsidence and collopse features 
in soluble carbonate rocks by remote sensing 
techniques. ASTM Special Publication, Geotechnical 
Engineering Applications of Remote Sensing, 26pp. 
Lettington, A.H. 1985. Infrared scanning techniques 
An Introduction to Military Thermal Imaging, SIRA, 
Meisner, D.E. and Lindstrom, O.M. 1985. Design 
end operation of a colour infrared aerial video 
system. Photog. Enq. and Remote Sensing, 51(5), 
Mussakowski, R.S. 1983. The application of video 
remote sensing to resource surveys and 
environmental monitoring Proc. of the 49th Annual 
Meeting of the ASP, Washington, 63-69. 
Nixon, P.R., Escobar, D.E. and Menges, R.M. 1985. A 
multiband video system for quick assessment of 
vegetal conditions and discrimination of plant 
species. Remote Sensing of Environment, 17, 
Petrie, G. 1983. The philosophy of digital a d 
analytical photogrammetric systems. Proc. of the 
39th Photogrammetric Week, Univ. of Stuggart, 27pp. 
Tice, R.R. and Larsson, R.A. 1978. Experience 
with hybrid infrared-visible viewing from low 
altitude aircraft. ISP-IUFRO Symp. on Remote 
Sensing for Observation and Inventory of Earth 
Resources and the Endangered Environment. 
Freiburg 2-8th July. 
Vlcek, J. 1983. Videography. some remote sensing 
resource surveys end environmental monitoring. 
Proc. 8th Canadian Symp. on Remote Sensing, 
Montreal, 91-99. 
Vlcek, J. and Cheung, E. 1983. Video image analysis 
8th Candaian Symp. on Remote Sensinq, Montreal, 
Vlcek, J. and King, D. 1984. Digital analysis of 
multispectral video imagery. Proc. of the 50th 
Annual Meeting of the ASP, 628-632. 
Vlcek,J., King, D. and Shevilt, S. 1984. Multiband 
video imaging: early trials and results. 9th 
Canadian Symp. on Remote Sensing. 
Stove, G.C. 1985. Scottish penal establishments: 
aerial thermographic (heat loss) infrared surveys. 
Final Report by ERSAC Ltd to SDD Prisons Dir. 142pp 
Stove , G.C. 1985. Remote sensing of subsurface water 
and sewerage problems from utility mains in London 
First Report by ERSAC Ltd to Thames Water, 32pp. 
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