ter basins, snow and ice, tectonic structu
res, PTK themselves, if their structure is
to be recognized*
Indicators or indication objects are conce
aled from the visual observations and remote
registration components landscape elements
PTK, processes, taking place in the landsca
pe, ecological regimes, genetically or ter
ritorially connected with indicators* The
depth of bedding and mineralization degree
of the first subsoil waters' horizon from
the earth's surface, the direction of subso
il flows, local concentration of subsoil wa
ters, looking like lenses, rocks with their
lithologic and granulomentic composition,
tectonic structures and processes, soils,
frost, climate with its individual indices,
The landscape interpretation reliance is
increased, if the interpreter has at his dis
posal the greatest possible member of indica
tors and the revealed links with indicators*
Due to that the interpretation results are
many times controlled* The plurality of fe
atures and indicators depends on the train
ing level of a specialist, his knowledge in
the field of geology, geomorphology, pedolo
gy, vegetation ecology and other branches of
To reveal the ecological estimation and
PTK grouping on remote sensing photos method
of landscape ecoindicators is developed and
applied* The method implies the ecological
interpretation of the following components
and landscape elements: relief, quaternary
deposits, soils, vegetation, people's acti
vity results, land-use type, natural comple
xes' structure itself* With the emergency of
space photos the number of ecological indi
cators is considerably widened* The impor
tant indicators are: the distribution and dy
namics of snow cover, ice situation on water
basins, dynamics of surface moistening and
watering, cloud cover structure, tectonic
structures* The pointed indicators are espe
cially effective, when they are to keep the
atmospheric and climatic unity of natural
The combined analysis of all the ecoindi
cators allow to reveal them reliably in na
ture and on space images, to estimate the re
lative gradations of their ecological regi
mes: drainage, alluvial, flooding, tempora
ry perched ground water and flowing with so
il and subsoil waters, relative richness of
the substrate and waters, etc* The stimation
of ecological regime in accordance with the
individual indicators is not reliable becau
se of the insufficient closeness of the con
nection and missing of cross control results*
The PTK themselves are the most physiogno
mic on air-space Images due to their unity
in age genesis, modem structure and ecolo
gy* Structure unity and homogeneity are unde
rstood as the same set of PTK which form a
monotonous, rhythmic combination* That re
sult s in principle of landscapes revealing
on the basis of PTK indicators* PTK can be
indicators conformably to the space survey
of the terrain and stow* PTK as indicators
must meet the following requirements: 1) clo
se connection of PTK with the revealed land
scape; 2) the specificity of PTK for the gi
ven landscape and the absence of other PTK;
3) sufficient physiognomy on space images*
Both natural and subjected to anthropogenic
changes PTK with arable lands, burned out
areas, excavations, constructions can be la
ndscape indicators* It is interesting to note
that the anthropogenic changes open quite
new PTK's sides, which make them more physi
ognomic* So, for example, the ploughing up
of the Siberian south relief with its hills
and padings makes 4Lt particularly physiogno
mic, since on the arable lands' images the
characteristic spots appear* The land-utili
zation character itself characterizes the
PTK ecology*
The experience of operations with space
images showed that bog stows are the most
physiognomic and contrast indicators of tai
ga zone* They are seen even on the Images of
bad quality* Besides they are dosedly conne
cted with the morphological landscape struc
ture and the tectonic regime.
To realize the method of ecoindicators it
is possible to use the combined analysis of
images, topographic and thematic maps* Their
analysis allows to control the correctness
of PTK revealing and revealing of their na
tural borders*
The guiding role in PTK formation belongs
to the lithogenic basis* That results in the
principle of PTK revealing in the limits of
genetic relief forms and elements i*e, ter
ritorial and typological taxons*
Landscape remote sensing of forests, per
formed in the West-Siberian plain and the
Siberian platform indicated that when revea
ling great PTK, the concept i6 perspective
that the tectonic structures and earth's
crust blocks are their foundation* The tec
tonic movements cause the series of events
which are developed on the landscapes surfa
ce and they influence all its components,
morphological structure and ecological re
gimes •
Positive movements increase the surfaces*
height causing denudation, formation of the
fresh erosion network with the emergency of
non-forest, bare slopes* Valleys and estua
ries are deepened and straightened, bottoms
of watercourses are narrowed, the height and
differentiation of terraces are increased*
As a result rolling, ouval, ridge, hilly,
dismembered landscapes are formed, in which
slope natural complexes have a great share*
On the slopes, bottoms of watercourses qua
ternary deposits reduction is observed and
the natural rocks often expose on the surfa
The erosion opens the aquifers, the total
lowering of subsoil waters level takes place,
the territories are dried, the icy, frost is
The autonomous eluvial natural complexes
are widely spread in the landscape in these
complexes leaching, saul removal, strengthe
ning of podzolizing which causes the lowering
of the trophness are developing*
On bogs positive movements change the stru
cture of the complex of ridges and pools for
the part of increasing the ridges' area, at
the expense of pools and lakes* Further bogs
are fegraded and covered with forests*
The increase of forest areas takes place
in the landscape owing to bogs and tundras,
the part of wood species, positively reacting
on the drainage, such as fir, spruce, aspen,
European birch in the forest composition is
also increased, the part of wood species,
positively reaching on frost degradation,
such as pine stands owing to frost resistant
larch trees is increased* Landscape draina
ge causes the risk of fire occurrence and fo
rest damage by pests that is why the deriva
tive forest communities are widely spread*
The landscape dryness, the rapid warming-up
form the arid or continental macroclimate*
The reverse phenomena occur when the nega