Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

tive movements of geological structures ta 
ke place* Lowering of surface heights causes 
the accumulation of sediments and fading of 
deep erosion, the fresh erosion forms disap 
pear and they are covered with vegetation* 
When the bottoms of watercourses are filled 
with sediments, they are widened and further 
they go out the limits of the erosion valle 
ys* River plains become twisting, terraces 
are lowered and merged and the watercourses' 
valleys acquire flat and weakly prominent 
profile, due to that the peripheral parts 
are greatly watered and bogged* The general 
relief planation takes place, its dismember 
ment is decreased, vast alluvial flat low 
lands are formed* 
The water flow highers the subsoil waters' 
level, intensifies frost phenomena with the 
development of the correspondent relief's 
forms on dry valleys and bogs* 
The constant redundant moistening causes 
the progressive bogging which is spread pri 
marily in elementary watercourses, then ext- 
raflat-bottomed valleys are bogged and at 
last the interfluve is bogged as well* In 
the bogs structure pool and lake complexes 
are widely used* 
The flat lowlands with almost total bogg 
ing and dense net of lakes represent the fi 
nal result of the plains development in the 
range of the lowering units* 
In the forest composition the part of wood 
species, resistant to redundant moistening: 
cedar, alder, willow, white birch is increa 
sed and due to the progressing of frost the 
part of larch stands is also increased* Wa 
tering of the landscape lowers the risk of 
fire occurrence and damage by pests, so the 
areas of native communities are increased* 
Supperaqueous and subaqueous natural comp 
lexes are widely spread* The introduction of 
nutrient substances is observed, which hig 
hers the trophness and in the southern parts 
of the forest zone it causes the emergence 
of saline natural complexes* 
Due to the general increase of moistening, 
watering, surface frost, wet mild macrocli 
mates are formed* 
All the enumerated natural phenomena, ta 
king place in the landscape, are represented 
on space images not only from the point of 
view of the quality, but the quantity as 
well* The representation is measured by the 
absolute value and the areas ration of the 
various classes natural complexes* 
As a result of that in the range of the 
tectonic structures and units the homogene 
ous morphological structure is formed as well 
as relatively the same ecological regimes of 
PTK* Thus, it is not accidentally that the 
borders of the landscapes and terrains coin 
cide with the fault and lineaments with the 
straightened river valleys where rather sharp 
change in the structure takes place* As an 
example we'll take the fault system which 
separates the Enisel Chain of Hills from the 
Siberian platform* These faults are distinct 
ly seen on all the space images* We see that 
the forest composition and landscape bogging 
are changed at the borderline of those struc 
tures • 
As a result of the landscape-morphological 
investigations the landscape basis is created 
to perform the thematic and applied resear 
ches with various trends* The landscape ba 
sis represents the series of conjugated dif 
ferent scale maps of PTK of various ranks: 
landscapes, terrains, stows, facies and their 
typological divisions (kinds, classes, types)* 
The maps are accompanied by the detailed le 
gends (the system of conventional denotati 
ons), landscape profiles, structure and com 
position tables with the emphasizing the con 
jugated components and PTK elements diagrams, 
the interpreted space-air images and other 
auxiliary graphic and text materials, open 
ing the structure of natural complexes* The 
landscape basis serves as the Initial mate 
rial to compile the series of the conjugat 
ed different scale maps: of forests, soils, 
bogs, quatenary deposlsts, various technic 
al, food, medicinal and forage resources, 
propagation and migration of food-animals, 
game-preserves of different classes, local 
deseases of animals and people, the practi 
cability of forests with the help of various 
transportation means, construction engineer 
ing and etc* On the landscape basis the dy 
namic phenomena are successfully studied 
which specifically occur in various PTK: de 
velopment processes of negative consequences 
of wrong agricultural or forestry measures 
(e*g* in the cutover areas), the hotbeds and 
the dynamics of pets* propagation, forest 
fires and postfire forest regeneration, wa 
ter balance and local climate, other useful 
and harmful changes of PTK as a result of 
people's activity* Estimating the PTK react 
ion on various external effects, it is pos 
sible to plan measures on nature protection 
locally* There is no doubt about the close 
interconnection of PTK and their structure 
with the tectonic movements of the earth's 
crust and the geographical structures* This 
is one of the ways to study the geological 
structure of the earth's crust and the recon 
naissance of useful minerals* Hie landscape 
basis has been already implemented into fo- 
rest inventory practice (various landscape- 
statistical express-methods), forest manage 
ment and forestry arrangement* One of the 
tasks of the landscape basis application is 
to compile the state land cadastre, to arran 
ge the rational nature use, production dist 
ribution, settlements, recreational zones, 
to estimate the suitableness of PTK for the 
certain type of the functional utilizarion* 
All that promotes the complex inter-branch 
arrangement of the territory, Increases the 
economical effect from its utilization*

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