Figure 3* Erosion network and prin
cipal lineaments.
vertically and horizontally dissected areas,
give more substance to the drawing of vari
ous pseudoisolines such as morphoisogypses,
isocorrelates, isolines of background and
residual surfaces etc. Photographic images
are also convenient for correcting the con
tours of slope gradients, slope aspects and
other morphometric parameters. This is es
pecially valuable in those cases when ge
neralized morphometric indices are calcula
ted from neso- and small-scale maps. The at
tachment of the morphometric data to natu
rally generalized photoimages (taking into
account structural lines, pronounce natural
barriers, relief edges) allows to achieve
the greatest possible geographic plausibili
ty of derivative maps.
Besides, such correction and attachment
are valuable because the morphometric in
dices are frequently calculated according
to grids of geometrical cells (blocks, he
xagons, circles) the parameters of the lat
ter and their coverage of the territory be
ing usually voluntary.
In prospect the elaboration of an integ
rated system of methods of analysis of spa
ce photomaps through combination of carto-
metry and morphometry, quantitative inter
pretation mathenatico-cartographic model
ling etc. may become a new important direc
tion of interaction of remote sensing and
cartographic methods of research on the ba
sis of photogrammetric approaches.
Figure 5. Horizontal - dissection
of relief map.
Figure 6. Vertical - dissection of
relief map.
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