Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

stricted length of the National Report might provide a valuable guide 
line for most countries. Nevertheless, one should consider that in a 
few.countries the photogrannnetry and remote sensing activities during 
the between ISPRS congress period are extensive and could still result 
in a number of pages in the National Report which exceed the above 
average. Considering such exceptional cases it would be probably in 
order to restrict the allowable number of pages for the National Report 
to say 20 pages. 
Question 9 [Priority Items in the National Report 1 
In order to make a National Report as complete as possible and pro 
viding a comprehensive image of the reporting country's photogram- 
metric and remote sensing activities during the respective between 
ISPRS Congress period it is essential to report on certain priority 
ac- tivities. According to the replies to the questionnaire the fol 
lowing suggestions are made by the reporting countries: 
81% of the reporting countries recommend that a description of new 
methods and procedures developed during the reporting period should 
be a priority item to be covered by the National Report 
75% of the reporting countries recommend that a description of new 
equipment [systems] and instruments developed during the reporting 
period should be included in the National Report 
81% of the reporting countries recommend that the National Report 
should include a presentation of research and. practical results 
obtained by new methods and equipment during the reporting period 
44% of the reporting countries recommend that in the National Report 
a comparison of these results with those obtained by conventional 
methods and equipment [accuracy and economic analyses] should be in 

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