Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

ITC M.Sc. Degree Programme in Integrated Map and Geo-Information Production \. INTR 1 
J. Drummond, C. Paresi 1.2 Dev 
International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC) 
P.0. Box 6 A grow 
7500 AA ENSCHEDE . increas 
The Netherlands technol 
Abstract complem 
As from January 1990, the ITC is offering a new M.Sc. Degree Programme in the develop 
framework of its new Department of Geoinformatics. 
The ne 
This new M.Sc. Degree programme aims to develop critical understanding and the pr 
competence in the handling and management of systems for the acquisition, respect 
processing, transmission, presentation and dissemination of geo information. digital 
The programme will be relevant to staff from production and user organiza- capital 
tions, research institutes, colleges and universities. cost sk 
The 24-months programme starts in January each year. The first year of the fruits 
programme consists of 10 months of integrated coursework followed by a two- lines, 
months final project. The second year consists of two months advanced 
coursework common to all fields, followed by 10 months specialization. The Meanwhi 
10-months specialization will require three months guided study and the rising 
preparation of a thesis. managen 
of a he 
The paper emphasizes reasons for creating such a new M.Sc. Degree Programme Thus ti 
and describes details of objectives, structure and contents. 
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