Full text: Fusion of sensor data, knowledge sources and algorithms for extraction and classification of topographic objects

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 7-4-3 W6, Valladolid, Spain, 3-4 June, 1999 
Fig. 14. False colour composite of multisensor SAR data 
comprising ERS (red), JERS (green) and Radarsat 
(blue) showing an area south of Graz. 
Fig. 16. Superimposition of ERS ascending (red) and 
descending (green) image data. 
Fig. 15. False colour composite of multitemporal ERS SAR 
data acquired in March (red), June (green) and August 
(blue) 1996 showing an area south of Graz. 
Fig. 17. SAR ortho-image generated through merging of 
ascending and descending ERS data.

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