Full text: Fusion of sensor data, knowledge sources and algorithms for extraction and classification of topographic objects

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Workshop Organisation and Scientific Committee 
The workshop is organised by the following Working Groups: 
- ISPRS WG 111/5 "Remote Sensing and Vision Theories for Automatic Scene Interpretation" 
Chairs: B. Csatho (Ohio State University, USA), csatho@ohglas.mps.ohio-state.edu 
D. Wang (Ohio State University, USA), dwang@cis.ohio-state.edu 
- ISPRS Intercommission WG IV/III.2 "Integration of Image Analysis and GIS" 
Chairs: E. Baltsavias (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), manos@geod.ethz.ch 
M. Hahn (Stuttgart Univ. of Applied Sciences, Germany), mhahn@saturn.rz.fht-stuttgart.de 
- ISPRS WG VI1/4 "Computer Assisted Image Interpretation and Analysis" 
Chairs: B. Koch (Freiburg University, Germany), ferninfo@ruf.uni-freiburg.de 
A. Sieber (JRC, Ispra, Italy), alois.sieber@jrc.it 
- EARSeL Special Interest Group "Data Fusion" 
Chair: L. Wald (Ecole des Mines de Paris, Sophia-Antipolis, France), lw@augusta.cma.fr 
The scientific committee consists of the chairpersons of the organising groups and Prof. J.L. Casanova (Univ. 
of Valladolid). 
Members of Organising Committee 
Prof. J.L. Casanova (University of Valladolid), Mrs. M. Godefroy (EARSeL Secretariat) 
Published by 
- ISPRS WG 111/5 "Remote Sensing and Vision Theories for Automatic Scene Interpretation" 
- ISPRS Intercommission WG IV/III.2 "Integration of Image Analysis and GIS" 
- ISPRS WG VI1/4 "Computer Assisted Image Interpretation and Analysis" 
- EARSeL Special Interest Group "Data Fusion" 
ISPRS Headquarters 1996 - 2000 
c/o John Trinder, ISPRS Secretary General 
School of Geomatic Engineering 
University of New South Wales 
Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia 
Copies of this book are available from: 
RICS Books, Surveyor Court, Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8JE, UK 
Tel. + 44-171-2227000, Fax. +44-171-3343800, www.rics.org.uk 
This compilation © 1999 by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 
Reproduction of this volume or any parts thereof (excluding short quotations for the use in the preparation of 
reviews and technical and scientific papers) may be made only after obtaining the specific approval of the 
publisher. The papers appearing in this volume reflect the authors’ opinions. Their inclusion in this publication 
does not necessarily constitute endorsement by the editors or by the publisher. Authors retain all rights to 
individual papers.

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