Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 6. Bandung-lndonesia 1999 
Prof. Tuan-chih CHEN 
Chairperson WG VI/4 ISPRS 
The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) provide a 
superhighway for information access and transfer. As such, they 
offer an unprecedented source of information. Their potential 
for research purposes (the reason for the original creation of the 
Internet) and for education is immense. The use of powerful 
Internet search engines offers enormous potential for 
information retrieval and sharing. 
Nonetheless, because of the sheer size of information available 
over the Internet, logical organization and clearly defined 
pointers to information sources is needed to greatly reduce 
search time. 
ISPRS webpages should be established to respond to two 
important needs of today's Internet users: the webpages should 
allow for the easy and convenient use of the Internet as a global 
communication tool; and, the webpages should serve as a 
globally networked database to allow for the location, extraction 
and sharing of data for research and educational purposes. 
Given these important needs, it is imperative that ISPRS-related 
webpages be created with a degree of overall coordination and 
network design efficiency, as well as creation of guidelines or 
parameters to improve their communication and graphical 
design. It is in ISPRS's own interest - and that of the hundreds 
of thousands of persons interested in the fields of 
photogrammetry and remote sensing - to establish a coordinated 
and versatile system for ISPRS webpages. 
While ISPRS webpages will continue to be important for the 
communication, coordination and operations structure of ISPRS 
activities, it is also crucial that ISPRS-related webpages 
contribute to the goal of orderly and efficient location of 
relevant material in the global haystack of Internet information. 
This will not be achieved overnight, but can begin with the 
systematic development and compilation of useful webpages. 
We acknowledge the fact that a number of ISPRS Technical 
Commissions and Working Groups have already actively 
spearheaded the use of the Internet in the 1990s. We applaud 
and encourage this effort, since it is a logical expectation that 
the ISPRS as a leading international professional society should 
be able to provide the best, most efficient and information-rich 
webpages in its related fields. 
This is the challenge. Creating a webpage is now not much 
more difficult than operating a wordprocessor; what is 
important is the grooming of the webpage so that it efficiently 
and clearly provides access to needed information, and that it 
presents an interesting and absorbing overall design. 
Maintaining a webpage can be compared to managing a plant 
nursery: it is a place that one visits in order to acquire new 
plants. Establishing a healthy and friendly competition between 
webpage creators could help to maintain overall webpage 
The combined assemblage of the ISPRS Journal, the ISPRS 
Highlights, ISPRS webpages and Commission or Working 
Group Newsletters should form an integrated whole. This whole 
should also preferably include: assemblages of webpage links to 
related Journals; links to webpages of National Members; links 
to webpages of education and research institutions, national 
government institutions, private companies and, last but not 
least, personal homepages in related fields. 
With this in mind we propose that the Council provide 
periodically a Best Webpage Award for ISPRS Webpages. 
Given this background, we propose the following guidelines to 
the Council: 
I. Introduction 
The World Wide Web (WWW) will be a major, and 
probably vital, data sharing system for humankind in the 21st 
Because of its position as an international nexus for 
photogrammetry, remote sensing and GIS technology, it is very 
important that the ISPRS maintain a very visible and active 
position on the WWW through the creation of colorful, exciting 
and informative webpages. However, the primary function of 
these webpages will be to convey, share and distribute 
information. Therefore, the provision of information should not 
be secondary to graphical design. The provision of Dext-only’ 
optional or duplicate pages should be provided whenever 
possible, considering the fact that many users may not have 
access to advanced Internet technology. Lengthy download 
times should be avoided for crucial information. 
Conveyance of important information is paramount, 
yet overall success relies on aspects that need to be stressed 
repeatedly: that these webpages be informative, creative, and 
entertaining, constituting an intelligent, practical and 
resourceful promotion of the ISPRS and its activities. 
II. General 
A. All ISPRS Member Organizations, 
Commissions, Working Groups and Technical 
Commissions should in the near future use 
Internet webpage media to promote their work 
related to their area of expertise. 
B. ISPRS mandated restrictions placed on the 
development of webpages will be few. While 
daunting or intimidating technical complexity is 
not encouraged, nonetheless the ISPRS is 
promoting the creation of advanced webpages, 
with the emphasis on both the clarity of the 
message conveyed and the innovative creativity 
that will go into their creation. 
C. ISPRS webpages are not Oi..y for ISPRS 
Members, but for the larger world audience that 
is interested in the ever-growing fields of 
photogrammetry, remote sensing, GIS and

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