International Archives of Photogrammetiy and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII Part 7C2, UNISPACE III, Vienna. 1999
“Remote Sensing for the Detection, Monitoring
and Mitigation of Natural Disasters”
2:30-5:30 pm, 22 July 1999, VIC Room B
Vienna, Austria
normally made in the open sea - and often during night hours to
avoid visual observation. From a practical point of view many
spills of light oil often evaporate within hours but in other cases
heavier oil may migrate under the influence of wind and current.
There are cases of cmde oil that is submerged controlled by the
buoyancy and is therefore not detectable.
In the first case the observation relies on the backscatter contrast
between the area of oil spill and that of the surrounding coast and
sea, with the oil spill often having a veiy small backscatter due to
the dampening of the short gravity waves (capillary waves). A
low wind speed of 2 to 5 m/s, gives the best contrast. At higher
wind speeds - above 7 m/s the contrast gradually disappears and
the spill is eventually not detectable. This seems a serious limita
tion but in fact the occurrence of wind still and large wind force
is less frequent than we believe so that the techniques is useful in
a great percentage of time.
Another serious limitation is the fact that it is difficult to distin
guish from the backscatter contrast between a natural slick or an
intentional oil spill. Natural slicks are related to ocean dynamics
that collect oil from for example algae into narrow patches on the
surface. They may also be due to natural oil seepage giving slicks
with a pattern formed by wind and currents. Finally, there may be
sewage’s from towns or waste discliarges from for example fac
tories of fish product, which also give signatures that may be
mistaken for oil spill. These are disturbing ambiguities and is the
reason why several attempts to devise a software package for
automatic detection of oil spills have had limited success. How
ever, it has been found that an experienced image interpreter is
able in most cases to distinguish between natural slicks and ille
gal spills based on pattern recognition and on his/her knowledge
about coastal activities. The Norwegian system referred to previ
ously relies upon a supervised automatic detection with alarms
being evaluated interactively.
A serious limitation stems from the lee effect that is often found
close to the coast whereby sea roughening first takes place some
kilometre from the shore. An oil spill in a near-shore area may
therefore not be detected. Monitoring will therefore rely upon
other means of observation such as airborne infrared or passive
microwave radiometers.
Microwave radiometers have been flown on Earth observation
satellites since 1978 collecting almost global data sets that are
being used extensively for climate studies including sea ice ob
servations in both hemispheres. The data collected are so-called
brightness temperatures tliat is a measure of the thermal pow'er
that leaves the surface observed (Rayleigh-Jeans law). Being a
passive system the spatial resolution depends upon tire size of the
antenna measured in wavelengths and the distance. Thus, a 37
GHz (8 mm wavelength) system with an antenna of about one
metre gives a ground resolution of about 25 km from satellite
heights. Constructed as a scanning system it may have a swath of
about 800 km to give a complete global coverage within two
This order of resolution lias been found very suitable for moni
toring a climate feature such as desertification. Based on a physi
cally-based model it has be shown that the briglitness tempera
ture is directly related the to biomass and therefore the level of
vegetation and used for monitoring seasonal and annuiti varia
tions of vegetation in the Sahel region in Africa, for instance. It
should be noted that passive microwave data (SMMR and
SSM/I) are available for more than 20 years with day and night
time observations and are likely to be acquired for another 20
Likewise, it has been demonstrated that an airborne microwave
radiometer can measure the tliickness of an oil slick on the ocean
surface. Modelling shows that the brightness temperature vary
with the oil tliickness since the film acts as a matching slab be
tween the two media, sea water and air, resulting in an increase in
brightness temperature relative to the surrounding surface. This
is largely independent of waves. To overcome a thickness ambi
guity the measurements are made simultaneously at minimum
two frequencies. With a scanning system covering an oil slick it
is in principle possible to determine the volume of tire slick. The
techniques has been demonstrated experimentally, but an ambi
guity arises due to the relatively coarse spatial resolution of the
system (70 m at 17 GHz in a 2 000-m swath at 2 000-m altitude)
and because an oil spill does not have a uniform tliickness within
the footprint of the antenna beam. However, a volume underes
timate of 10 to 20% that was found is not very important since
the order of magnitude suffices in most cases (Skou et al., 1983).
The remote sensing techniques developed during the last many
years have proven their value in a great number of applications
and have reached a level of maturity so that it may be used opera
tionally, the only major obstacle being that the repetition rate of
observation may be insufficient for the application in mind. This
appears to be the case with monitoring natural disasters. The
techniques have limitations and give rise to ambiguities as
pointed out above, but knowing them it is in my opinion still very
reasonable to include it in a system designed for assisting the end
users in managing natural disasters.
“The technique is there - let us use it”. This, I expressed on a
previous occasion after having witnessed still another series of
presentations of examples of the use of remote sensing data in