CIP A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September-04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
Figure 4. Example of a data collection form in MS Access*
filled out for a mosaic
The combination of GIS spatial analysis and database querying
(SQL syntax) makes the retrieval of certain objects according to
various location or attribute criteria, possible. Figure series 5
show an example of:
• a topology query at a window of the AutoCAD Map
environment (5a)
• the ortho-photomosaic of the eastern façade where the
structural element of request has to be found (5b) and
• the result of the search where the queried structural element
is retrieved and highlighted, in green (5c).
Thematic maps visualizing different kinds of properties like
humidity or degradation can also be attained.
The insertion and update of information can be fully
accomplished inside the GIS context with the help of context
with the help of the quite affective interface provided. While
the database contents are held separately in the external DBMS,
the connection with the GIS is recoverable at any time, meaning
that the total storage space which is quite high can be
affectively reduced. One last issue that has to be stressed is that
the attribute data stored in the DBMS and the spatial data can
be modified at any time without affecting the system’s
functionality. New fields can be specified for the current tables
and new tables as well. The specification of new spatial entities
and their interrelation with the necessary attribute data is also
possible, rendering the system changeable and functional
according to the user’ needs. These tasks are of great
importance in the case of a monument under a restoration study.
The collection of the various pieces of information or the
correction of the vector drawings, in order to construct their
topology, are practical matters which are described in detail in
Karkanis (2001) and lliopoulou (2001).
Figure 5a. Window with a SQL query based on location criteria
(output of AutoCAD Map - MS Access)
Figure 5b. Ortho-photomosaic of the east façade of the church
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Figure 5c. The result of the query: the queried element of the
masonry highlighted in green