Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CI PA 2003 XIX"' International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
with software or hardware technology but also with properly 
organized data (URL-1, 2003). 
Prior to establishing a IHA database, it is necessary to perform 
a feasibility analysis. After determining differences between 
new IHA and classical system, the advantages of IHA database 
should also be determined. As regards graphical data in the 
system currently in use: firstly movable or immovable assets 
related with IHA project are determined. It is determined that 
these assets can be regarded as historical asset or not. For the 
assets considered to be historical, provisions stated in the 
regulation are provided. Second stage is registration process. 
Realizing registration process is based on performing property 
registrations in the region in question. However, cadastral 
survey has not been completed yet, especially in outside the 
residential areas. 
2.2 General Structure of HAIS 
Databases that belong to IHAs will be regulated respect to 
province based. Directorships of the Cultural and Natural 
Conservation Committees will constitute province databases 
under their responsibility. Designed respect to Directorships of 
the Cultural and Natural Conservation Committees, TTE 
Information Systems are seen in Figure 1. The system is divided 
into two main categories. These are graphical and non-graphical 
data. Graphical data is divided into two parts as interior and 
exterior layer. Exterior layers are cadastral maps, current base 
maps, land development plans, aerial photographs, remotely 
sensed images and standardized topographic maps. Because, 
cadastral maps and land development plans are changeable and 
they are used in registration and conservation processes, 
cadastre and municipality intuitions and Directorships of 
Cultural and Natural Conservation Committees, updating these 
data, should communicate online. The other data can be 
acquired in specific time periods. More detailed construction on 
exterior layers can also be realized. Especially, among 
Directorships of Cultural and Natural Conservation 
Committees, cadastre, municipality and governorship, a 
structure could be developed to data exchange. 
Figure 1. General structure of an IHA information system 
Interior graphic data are conservation areas, cultural and natural 
entities and re-survey documents. Positions of conservation 
areas and cultural and natural entities are specified via exterior 
layers explained above. IHAs are positioned on a map in the 
scale of 1/1000 where cadastral and current topographical maps 
exist. If cadastral and current maps are on paper, these are 
firstly digitized via digitizing process. Determination and 
registration of IHA in such areas are easy. However, 
determining and positioning on maps of IHA are very difficult 
and positional accuracy is not enough in classical ways in 
places where cadastral and current maps are non-exist. In such 
areas, the location of IHA is positioned manually on a Standard 
Topographical Map (STM) scaled as 1/25000. On the STM on 
which conservation areas are positioned, querying and 
analyzing of cadastral parcels could not be needed position 
accuracy. In this areas where producing of their current maps 
could not be possible in short time, it should be used different 
data acquisition methods. Firstly, aerial photos or remotely 
sensed data in high resolution should be used. If that is also not 
possible, position data of TTE should be acquired with GPS. 
Re-surveys should be transferred to digital environment via 
softwares enabling three dimensional map producing. 
In a database designed respect to province, directorship and 
nationwide, combination of data under the same coordinate 
system is important. While STM is produced in 6° UTM 
coordinate system, other used maps are produced in 3° UTM 
coordinate system. In a region or nationwide database, spatial 
data should be constituted in base maps having same coordinate 
system. For this reason, 3° UTM coordinate system for province 
base, 6° UTM coordinate system for region base and geographic 
coordinate system for all country or Lambert Conform Conic 
projection should be preferred. 
The second part of IHA information system constitutes non- 
graphical information which are inventory records, photo-video 
image, legal procedures, archives information, specialist reports 
and title records. While some of these information is related 
with graphical information, the others are independent from 
them. Non-graphical- information is stored in MS Access 
Database using an interface prepared in Visual Basic 
environment. Management of non-graphical information in this 
database will be supplied with four modules. These are; data 
entry, data manipulating, data querying-analyzing and 
2.3 HAIS Organizational Structure 
IHA Information System will be managed from Information 
Process Center constituted in Directorships of Cultural and 
Natural Conservation Committees. Database was designed 
respect to province based to access more rapidly to IHA 
information and to provide control. Combining of provinces 
will constitute directorships. By combining of directorships, 
nationwide IHA Information System will be constituted in 
general directorships. After acquiring nationwide data, it will be 
presented to users on-line, in General Directorship of Cultural 
and Natural Conservation Committee 
Trabzon is a city on the Black Sea Cost in the northeast of 
Turkey with the population of 150 thousands, and a history 
which goes back to the 800 B.C (Trabzon Valiligi, 2002). 
Trabzon city IHA information system is composed of two 
categories. One of them is inner Trabzon City; the other is the 
outer city. While 1/1000 scaled base maps are used in the inner 
city, the outer city are mapped only on 1/25.000 - 1/100.000

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