Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

Cl PA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
scales. Graphic data in and outside the city is combined under 
3° UTM projection. 
An interface was developed for constitution of cultural and 
natural entities protection inventory table respect to TTE in 
digital environment. This interface was developed in Visual 
Basic environment and MapObjects software is used to display 
graphical processes (Figure 2). Data entered via this interface is 
stored in MS Access Database. Allowing querying of cultural 
and natural existence and conservation areas in name and sheet 
based, the interface also can be used for print out of document 
as in inventory record table. 
Cadastral map, development plan and current base map of the 
city were constituted in digital format and integrated with the 
interface. Providing linkage of cultural and natural entities and 
conservation areas entered in database with development plan, 
cadastral map and current base map, control processes could be 
directly realized in Data Processing Unit without any need for 
land studies of IHA (Figure 1). 
If cultural and natural entities and conservation areas outer the 
city center are in 1/1000 scaled map, they were digitized, if not, 
their positions were acquired via hand-GPS and then these data 
was combined with digital environment. As an example, 
graphical and non-graphical information of IHA of Trabzon 
province were displayed in Figure 3. 
Figure 2. Screen display of the interface of IHA inventory table

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