CI PA 2003 XIX 1 ' 1 International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
a City Center
Conservation Areas
9 Archeological cons, areas " - .
® Natural cons, areas
o Natural and Archeological cons areas
o Urban cons, areas
•^Tourism center
Road with two lanes
— Road with two lanes or more
Figure 3. An example of spatial query of TTE of Trabzon province
As a civilizations country, Turkey have 71.775 recorded
cultural and natural entities and conservation areas belonging
different terms. It is a necessity that these cultural and historical
asset should be presented to all human being. Allowing sharing
of information via internet, today’s developed communication
technology allows for sharing of historical inventory
information in computer environment. To realize this, known
IHAs should be entered to digital environment. Followings
define duties about this aspect should be realized in future:
-Constituting of legal procedures for displaying of IHAs in
digital environment
-Constituting of digital data belonging IHAs
-Entering of existing IHAs to the system
-Constituting of map and re-survey information of IHAs in
digital environment
-Online data exchange amongst Cultural and Natural
Conservation Committees should be provided
-Data stored in Cultural and Natural Conservation
Committees Head Office should be prepared for allocating
via internet.
Using GIS techniques for accessing to right information and
realizing needed query and analysis is an obligation in the
institutions use spatial information intensively. Spatial
databases should be prepared both region and national base for
specifying and controlling of IHAs in Turkey. Information
systems for IHAs should be designed and applied respect to
province based and administration structure of Turkey. With
combining province databases, Cultural and Natural
Conservation Committee Directorships databases are
constituted. Sum of these directorships also will constitute an
national based database. So, firstly the inventory records
belonging IHAs and stored in province based should be
integrated with graphic data and managed in digital
environment. In this study, such processes that is not realized in
classical way as rapidly accessing, graphical displaying,
querying and analyzing of data were realized by the interface
constituted respect to IHA’s inventory records. This interface
will provide digital data for the database designed for Turkey.
Because of the data density of IHAs, digital data entry should
be started as soon as possible and transmission to information
systems should be accelerated.
Aydemir, $., Aydemir, S., Okten, N., vd., 1999, Kentsel
Alanlarm Planlanmasi ve Tasanmi, Ders Notlari, KTU, No:54,
Trabzon, pp.424-477.
Duran, Z., Toz, G., Documantation and Analysis of Cultural
Heritage by Means of Photogrametric methods and GIS,
International Symposium On Geographic Information Systems,
Eyliil 2002, ITU, Istanbul, Bildiriler CD’si.
Esposito, M.A., Maffulli, S., Increased information Value in a
spatial Database for Cultural Heritage,
Download/ PDF/26-Mafulli.PDF., (accessed 21 April 2003).
Kultiir bakanhgi, 2003, Tiirkiye Genelinde Tescil Edilmi?
Ta?inmaz Kultiir ve Tabiat Varhklari ile Sit Alanlari,, (accessed 10 May 2003).