Ferruh YILDIZ 3 , Hakan KARABORK 3 ,Murat YAKAR 3 , Lutfiye ALP 3 ,H.Murat YILMAZ b
3 University Selcuk, Enginering Faculty, Dept. Of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Kampus, Konya,Turkey -(fyildiz,
karabork, yakar, lutfiye)@selcuk.edu.tr
b University Nigde, Aksaray Enginering Faculty, Dept. Of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Kampus, Aksaray, Turkey -
Keyword : Digital Photogrammetry, Close-Range Photogrammetry, Archaeology, Culturel Heritage, History
The history of Knidos ancient city, which is located in Datca (Mugla) Province, is known since B.C. 700. 5*3.8 m 2 dimensioned
small rooms, called as Stoa, were built in front of the terrace walls of Knidos ancient city. Stoa, thougt as an complex structure, is a
group of rooms in which commercial products were kept and sold. Terrain and office works are done for photogrammetric
restitution. Drawing and restitution of Stoa which is taken out by surface excavation up to July 2002 are determined. Gorund control
points are measured by Topcon GTS 701 Total Station. Front photographs of Stoa are taken with Leica R5 (50 mm objective) optic
camera. Films are scanned with HP Photo Smart Scanner in 2400 dpi optical resolution and transferred into Pictran software. Images
of interior walls of Stoa are taken with Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera and,images transferred into Pictran software. Root mean
square of the ground control points are computed as m x = ±2cm , m z = ilcm , m y = ±3cm .
Knidos is located the most point of peninsula called “Datca
Peninsula”. This peninsula covers the border between Aegean
sea at North and Mediterranean Sea at South. Today, this area
which is belong to Mugla Province had taken part in border of
Karia area on Ancient period.
The stoas in which commercial goods both bought and sold
were a important part of historical structure in Konidos Ancient
City. Each sota has a dimension of 5 m*3.8m. All stoas-door
open to South (Fig. 1). Since century stoas have been destructed
due to meteoroligical condition and other reasons. The aim of
this study is to obtain photogrammetric rolove in order to realize
restoration process of stoa in Knidos Ancient City as similar to
its original. Excavation in Knidos Ancient city has been carried
out by Prof. Dr. Ramazan OZGAN in cooperation with the
Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Turkey, since 1987.
In this sudy, firstly plan of stoa was obtained by geodetic
method (Fig.2). For this, new ground control points were
established in Knidos Ancient City with the use of
triangulation point and polygon which were established
previously. Coordinate of new ground control points were
calculated. Photogrammetric rolove of stoas were obtained from
east, west and south sight of stoas. In order to use in the
photogrammetric restitution, ground control points for which
disturibution were convenient were marked on Stoas and
measured by Topcon GTS 701 Total Station in
National Coordinate System(UTM). Distance precision
measured by Topcon GTS 701 Total
Station is m s =±(2 mm+2 ppm.D) and precison of angle is ±l cc
as dictated by user manuel. All photographs were taken with
two different cameras (Leica R5 optic camera and Nikon
Coolpix 950 digital camera). The photographs taken with Leica
R5 optic camera were transformed from analog form to digital
form by HP Photo Smart Scanner. The calibrated paramétrés of
Leica R5_50 camera are
a- image coordinates of principal point
x 0 = 0.013 mm ; y 0 =0.065 mm
b- focal lenght
c=-50.696 mm.
The calibrated paramétrés of Nikon Coolfix 950 camera are
a- image coordinates of principal point
x 0 = -0.0113 mm ; y 0 =-0.00605 mm
b- focal lenght
Root mean square of the ground control points are computed as
m x = ±2cm, m z = ±lcm. m y =±3cm.
In this study, PICTRAN soflwre developed by Technet Gmbh
(Germany) was used.
Figure. 1 Knidos Peninsula and A View of Stoa