Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CI P A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Figure 8a, 8b. Field survey and documentation. 
4.1 Detailed Documentation and Damage Assessment 
The cracks, collapsed sections and the types of deterioration are 
indicated on the existing 1:50 scaled survey drawings in 
mapping format. As a restoration project was required, the 
defined types of damage were not only indicated on the interior 
faces visible in the sections but also on additional drawings 
showing all of the interior wall surfaces. There were cracks of 
various sizes on the exterior faces and the facade claddings 
beginning from the roof level parapet and continuing down to 
the sides of the window openings at different levels. There were 
additional cracks on the interior walls extending from the 
ceilings down to the floor levels. As the determination of the 
size of the cracks would enable the definition of the appropriate 
type of intervention for their repair, the width, length and depth 
of all of the visible cracks were measured and indicated on the 
4.2 Photographic and Photogrammetric Documentation 
Painted decorations (kalemi$i) on the ceilings that are directly 
attached to a timber lath subsurface on decaying timber floor 
beams, would have to be repaired and partially reproduced due 
to the damage they have suffered during the earthquake. In 
order to carry out this intervention in the appropriate manner, 
the ceilings had to be documented in detail with 
photogrammetric methods. Firstly, ceiling surfaces were 
photographed with metric cameras in the sense of digital close 
range Photogrammetry and these images were scanned at high 
resolution. Secondly, digital models were created using triple 
images on the computer environment and evaluated with 
photogrammetric methods and finally the rectified plan images 
for each ceiling were produced. In addition to 1:20 scaled 
general rectified photographic plan images, the baroque 
paintings inserted within this scheme were documented in detail 
of 1:1 scale with the same methods. This survey was carried out 
by Assoc. Prof. Dr. C. ipbiiker and Dr. $. Kaya from the 
Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering of 
the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Istanbul Technical 
4.3 Material Analyses 
Gypsum and lime-based mortars, plasters, finishes and natural 
stones used in the building have been sampled for laboratory 
Figure 9a, 9b, 9c. Rectified photographic 
plan image and the drawing of Room Z03. A sample of colour analyses for Room Z03 
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The collapsed debris of the cornice from the east facade roof 
level parapet was collected in the garden. These pieces were 
classified, numbered and then documented on inventory fiches 
in detail, showing such characteristics as shape, size and 
materials, dowel holes and cracks, etc., with the aim of 
understanding how they could be re-fitted and identifying those 
which may be re-used in the restoration. 
The profiles of the three-dimensional projecting cornices on the 
corners of the interior walls and ceilings, which have been 
severely damaged and were probably to be reproduced were 
surveyed and documented in detail at 1:10, 1:5 and 1:1 scales, 
and the decorative elements on them were traced. Their 
reproduction according to their original shape, size and 
decorative patterns would be possible depending on this data. 
analyses that would determine the characterisation of the 
traditional materials used in the building. The original materials 
and those dating from later period repairs used on the facades 
were mapped on survey drawings. Imitation stone panels used 
in former repair-work have destroyed the originally designed 
facade polychrome as their colour is different from those of the 
natural stone ones. Also the artificial stone panels, which were 
attached to the wall faces with mortar, have mostly collapsed 
during the earthquake causing further damage to other parts of 
the building. The broken panels would have to be replaced with 
new ones, paying due consideration to the original facade 
composition and colour scheme. Other in-situ natural stone 
panels with superficial deterioration had been repaired with 
Portland cement-based mixtures, which blocks the natural 
ventilation of the building walls, causing further problems 
related to dampness and the destructive effect of water-soluble 
salts as well as disturbing the visual integrity of the facades.

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