ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”. Bangkok, Mav 23-25. 2001
is defined as the central contiguous urbanized area. This
leaves out only a small piece of urbanized area in the
southeast corner of Medina County, which is fairly
independent based on its commuting pattern. The
contiguous urbanized area includes 882 TAZs, accounting
for 89.3% of the population, 88.8% of resident workers and
92.6% jobs in the five-county region in 1990.
An index of job proximity is proposed to measure the spatial
separation between a worker’s residence and all suitable
jobs for him/her. Two points are critical for the index design.
One is the emphasis of physical distance (in contrast to
behavioral distance) between workers and jobs without
consideration of other socioeconomic barriers. This index
intends to capture the essence of traditional perception of
locational advantage. The other is the concept of suitable
jobs. For instance, a job opening of computer specialist is
meaningless to one without appropriate education
background. Identifying suitable jobs for workers is a
challenging task. One approach is the so-called occupation-
industry (O-l) methodology used by researchers to identify
entry-level jobs for the welfare-to-work transition (e.g., Sen
et al., 1999; Leete et al., 2000; Sawicki and Moody, 2000).
The other approach is based on wage (e.g., Shen, 1998;
Immergluck, 1998). The O-l method requires extensive
detailed data such as jobs in each occupational category by
industry. For instance, Sen et al. (1999) use over 150
occupations across all industries for identifying entry-level
jobs. Such information is not available in the CTPP data.
This research adopts the wage-based approach and
considers jobs within the same wage group of workers as
the suitable ones.
(1) Basic Model
Among all suitable jobs for a resident worker, a job nearby is
more likely to be taken than a remote one. Similar to the
rationale of Huff’s (1963) model, the probability or the portion
of resident workers at a TAZ i taking jobs at a TAZ j (P M ) is
determined by the influence of jobs at j among the influences
of all jobs at various locations:
J .Id ?
p _ J U
where J is the number of suitable jobs in a TAZ, p is the
distance friction 1 , and n the total number of TAZs. Since our
interest is the physical distance between residents and jobs,
d is the straight-line aerial distance between two TAZs.
Job proximity for TAZ i (Dj) is defined as the average of
distances between this TAZ (as origin) and all job sites (as
destinations) weighted by Pij:
Adding a superscript g to index jobs of a particular wage
group (J 9 ) and rearranging the above equation, it can be
written as
' Like any gravity-based model, it is important to
determine the distance friction 0. A regression on the CTPP
journey-to-work data yields 0=0.7422, based on a simple
model such as T- tj — aW ; J ■d¡j ^ , where T is the number
of commuters between residence location i with Wj workers
and job location j with J, jobs.
D; =-
jKd~ ß
J ‘J
Equation (1) computes the proximity to jobs of wage group g
for workers of the same wage group. The larger the value of
D, the farther the resident workers are located away from
their suitable jobs, thus a less advantaged location.
(2) Illustrative Cases
A special case is used to help interpret the index. When 0=1,
and denoting the total number of jobs in the study area as N,
equation (1) can be rearranged as
Df 1 =(J ] /N)d- l + U 2 fN)d7 2 l +...-k(J n IN)dr n [ . (2)
The inverse of distance, a gravity kernel, is used as a scalar
factor for jobs (i.e., a close job is more influential than a
remote one). Therefore, the inverse of job proximity at i (i.e.,
aggregated influences of all jobs on i) is the average of
influences of individual job sites weighted by the number of
jobs there.
Why do not we simply define job proximity as the average of
distances weighted by the number of jobs from resident
workers? In other words,
D; = Ui / N)d n + {J 2 I N)d i2 +... + (J„ / N)d in . (3)
We use a simplified example to explain the difference. In
Figure 2, two job sites I and II are 102 km apart and each
has 10 suitable jobs. A resident worker A is 100 km from site
I and just 2 km from site II. A resident worker B are located
in the middle with 51 km from each job site. We would
expect worker A to enjoy a better job proximity than worker B
since job site II is just 2 km away. However, equation (3)
would yield the same job proximity for both workers (51).
Equation (2) confirms our expectation with a far better job
proximity for worker A (3.92) than that for worker B (51),
confirming the expectation. A close job is weighted more
than a remote one in equation (2) whereas equation (3) does
not distinguish them.
(3) Overall Job Proximity
For this research, we segment the workers or jobs into five
wage groups. See Table 1. The wage groups are designed
to allow a reasonable wide range for defining suitable jobs
for workers in each group.
Table 1. Number of Workers in Five Wage Groups
(Cleveland, 1990)
Low wage
less than
High wage
more than
A TAZ is usually composed of workers of various wage
groups. The overall (total) job proximity at a TAZ i