Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
Table of contents 
5 Non-renewable resources: Geology, geomorphology and engineering projects 
Application of stereo-terrestrial photogrammetric technique to varied geoscientific investigations 551 
Regional geologic mapping of digitally enhanced Landsat imagery in the southcentral Alborz 
mountains of northern Iran 555 
Sima Bagheri & Ralph W.Kiefer 
Operational satellite data assessment for drought/disaster early warning in Africa: Comments on 
GIS requirements 561 
Hubertus LBloemer, Louis T.Steyaert & Scott E.Needham 
Comparison between interpretations of images of different nature 569 
G.Bollettinari & F.Mantovani 
Global distributive computer processing systems for environmental monitoring, analysis and 
trend modeling in early warning and natural disaster mitigation 573 
J. O.Brumfield & H.H.LB/oemer 
Geological analysis of the satellite lineaments of the Vistula Delta Plain, Zutawy Wislane, Poland 579 
Barbara Daniel Danielska, Stanislas* Kibitlewski & Andrzej Sadurski 
Analysis of lineaments and major fractures in Xichang-Dukou area, Sichuan province as 
interpreted from Landsat images 585 
Lu Defu, Zhang Wenhua, Liu Bingguang, Xu Ruisong & Jang Baolin 
Application of remote sensing in the field of experimental tectonics 589 
J. Dehandschutter 
Thematic mapping from aerial photographs for Kandi Watershed and Area Development 
Project, Punjab (India) 595 
B.Didar Singh & Kanwarjit Singh 
Assessment of desertification in the lower Nile Valley (Egypt) by an interpretation of Landsat 
MSS colour composites and aerial photographs 599 
A. Gad & LDaels 
Spring mound and aioun mapping from Landsat TM imagery in south-central Tunisia 607 
Amyn Rhys Jones & Andrew Millington 
Application of MEIS-II multispectral airborne data and CIR photography for the mapping of 
surficial geology and geomorphology in the Chatham area, Southwest Ontario, Canada 615 
A.B.Kesik, H. George & M.M.Dusseault

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