Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

hich was, land 
: 10 : 10. 
on figure 9- 
ighest potential 
tential area is 
on for uranium 
ssion, the squ- 
result of the 
area. Most of 
tributed in the 
it can be sum- 
uation suggest 
nment for urani- 
non veget, 
¡mall linear 
?r the possible 
Lum deposit, 
sms are remained 
;, some part of 
s basement rock, 
;e phenomena and 
sly made clear 
be solved in the 
o other data, 
124P E 
level of 
.on (a) and (b) 
123°E 124°E 
The higheat potential area 
Potential area 
Less potential area 
Zone of mining concession 
Figure 9- Evaluation map of potensial zone of uranium 
Childers, M.O. 1974. Uranium occurence in upper Cre 
taceous and Tertiary strata of Wyoming and northern 
Colorado. Mountain geology Vol. 11, p. 131-147. 
Floyd, F.S. 1978. Remote sensing, Principles and pre- 
tation W.H.Freeman and company, San Francisco. 
Missallati, A. , Prelat, A.E. & Lyon, R.J.P. 1979* 
Simatlenious use of geological, geophysical, and 
Landsat digital data in uranium exploration. 
Remote sensing of environment 8 : 189-210. 
Smith, A.F. 1977. Interactive digital image process 
ing of Landsat data for geologic analysis. Pro 
ceedings of the international symposium on image 
processing, Interactions with photogrametry and 
remote sensing, Graz, p. 197-212. 
Vincent, R.K. 1977. Uranium exploration with computer 
-processed Landsat data. Geophysics Vol. 42, No. 3-

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