Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

Studies suggest that many of the effects associated 
with hydroelectric development take years to fully 
evolve, and that it may take decades for affected 
environments to stabilize (Hecky and McCullough 
1984) . This is particularly true in northern boreal 
environments like the LJR basin. Therefore, it may 
be necessary to carry out monitoring over an extended 
period of time to fully understand and evaluate the 
magnitude of project-induced changes. Field based 
studies are usually only carried out for a few years 
prior to and following project implementation. 
Long-term studies are extremely expensive. LANDSAT 
data have been used successfully to monitor the 
recovery and stabilization of sediment conditions in 
reservoirs in northern Manitoba over a seven-year 
period (Chagarlamudi et al 1979). 
In addition to monitoring to assess system 
recovery, long-term satellite-aided studies may be 
useful in examining certain other aspects of 
reservoir dynamics. Better understanding of these 
dynamics may be important for reservoir management 
purposes. For example, the timing and sequence of 
ice cover break-up can be monitored (Hecky and 
McCullough 1984). Evaporation from reservoir 
surfaces has been successfully estimated using 
satellite thermal infrared data (Miller and Rango 
1985) . Interactions between reservoirs and adjacent 
groundwater regimes may also be assessed using remote 
sensing techniques (Rundquist et al 1985). 
Results of the LJR pilot project confirm that remote 
sensing can be used effectively and economically to 
complement environmental studies conducted throughout 
the project life cycle for new hydroelectric 
generating stations. Applications show greatest 
potential benefits in remote northern areas where 
existing environmental data are often scarce, 
outdated, fragmented or difficult to obtain. 
The dynamic, generalized land cover mapping 
produced for the LJR basin appears ideally suited to 
broad river system level planning exercises and 
conceptual assessments. Satellite data are also 
useful in scoping and conducting baseline inventories 
for detailed project assessments, particularly on 
large study areas where ground access is limited. 
Vegetative cover and derived wildlife habitat mapping 
proved extremely valuable for scoping terrestrial 
studies for the LJR hydroelectric project. While 
scoping and baseline inventory capabilities are 
strongest for terrestrial environmental studies, 
applications for studying near-surface aquatic 
environmental conditions are expanding. 
Prediction and monitoring of project-induced 
effects can be aided using remote sensing 
techniques. Reservoir displacement effects can be 
quantitatively estimated for a range of cover types 
and resource uses. Certain changes in the aquatic 
environment (e.g., turbidity) can also be effectively 
assessed. Monitoring capabilities would appear to be 
most beneficial in carrying out extended 
surveillance, designed to track long-term project 
effects and study area stabilization times. The 
spatial resolution offered by LANDSAT MSS data makes 
it difficult to assess very specific project-related 
effects. It should be stressed that remote 
sensing-based studies do not displace the need for 
ground-based environmental studies, but should be 
used in a complementary way to improve the 
effectiveness of overall study programs at the 
detailed project assessment phase. The increased 
resolution provided by the new generation of 
satellite sensors (e.g, TM, SPOT), and the further 
integration of GIS and DIA systems, will only serve 
to improve the applicability of remote sensing for 
impact assessment purposes. 
Cairns, A.L. and E.S. Telfer 1980. Habitat use by 
four sympatric ungulates in boreal mixedwood 
forest, J. Wildlife Management 44(4):849-857. 
Chagarlamudi, P., R.E. Hecky and J.S. Schubert 1980. 
Quantitative monitoring of sediment levels in 
freshwater lakes from LANDSAT, p 115-118. In 
V.V. Salomonson, and P.D. Bhavsar (ed.). The 
contribution of space observations to water 
resources management. Pergamon Press, New York. 
Hathout, S. 1985. The use of enhanced LANDSAT 
imagery for mapping lake depth. Journal of 
Environmental Management. 20:253-261. 
Hecky, R.E. and G.K. McCullough 1984. The LANDSAT 
imagery of Southern Indian Lake: A remote 
perspective on impoundment and diversion, Canadian 
Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 
No. 1266. Winnipeg, Manitoba. 
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 1978. A 
land cover inventory from space. Staff report. 
Kalensky, ZD., W.C. Moore, G.A. Campbell, D.A. Wilson 
and A.J. Scott 1981. Summary forest resource data 
from LANDSAT images Canadian Forestry Service, 
Information Report PI-X-5. 
Lunetta, R.S., R.G. Congalton, A.M.B. Rekas, and 
J.K. Stoll 1985. Using remotely sensed data to map 
vegetative cover for habitat evaluation in the 
Saginaw River basin, Presentation to American 
Society of Photogrammetry. 
Miller, W. and A. Rango 1985. Lake evaporation 
studies using satellite thermal infrared data. 
Water Resources Bulletin. 21:1029-1036. 
Ontario Centre for Remote Sensing (OCRS) 1977. The 
impact of the Ogoki diversion or the erosion of the 
Little Jackfish River and on the turbidity of 
Ombabika Bay. Prepared for Ministry of Treasury, 
Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs. 
Pala, S., T.J. Ellis and D.B. White 1981. 
Operational land cover type mapping in Ontario by 
LANDSAT based digital analysis and map production. 
Presented at 7th Canadian Symposium on Remote 
Sensing, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 
Personal communication 1986. S.K. Sears (Ontario 
Hydro) with S. Pala (OCRS). 
Ross, D.I. and V. Singhroy 1983. The application of 
remote sensing technology to the environmental 
assessment process, Prepared for Workshop on New 
Directions in Environmental Assessment: The 
Canadian Experience. Toronto, Ontario. 
Rundquist, D., G. Murray and L. Queen 1985. Airborne 
thermal mapping of a "flow-through" lake in the 
Nebraska sandhills. Water Resources Bulletin. 
Sears, S.K. 1985. Remote sensing pilot project 
technical evaluation, Ontario Hydro Environmental 
Studies and Assessments Department. Report No. 8526i 
Still, D.A. and S.F. Shih 1985. Using LANDSAT data 
to classify land use for assessing the basin - wide 
runoff index. Water Resources Bulletin. 21:931—940 
US Fish and Wildlife Service (1981). Standards for 
the development of habitat suitability in index 
models, Ecological Services Manual 103-ESM. 
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