Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

ocated near the 
area are typical 
nd ESE to WNW 
rea. Some east- 
fere with this 
in the southern 
postulated that 
ntributed to the 
ional features 
tudy area. They 
of topographic 
ated by specific 
ced Landsat MSS 
the topographic 
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Dnal stress that 
lian Plateau to 
Long this stress 
retaceous time 
: activity was 
suggesting that 
1 progress. 
town lineaments 
contribution of 
.oration and the 
ences. Indica- 
lineaments and 
r ell as mineral- 
y comparative 
of the regional 
epicenter maps 
andsat imagery 
of seismic risk 
ions for reg- 
rmation derived 
entrations can 
est and, there- 
susceptible to 
s were prepared 
phate deposits 
thquakes within 
e compared with 
terpreted from 
Lstribution of 
cz (Geological 
rends expressed 
i also demon- 
ictive zones on 
i showed a good 
ition of epi- 
information in areas where field geological mapping 
is sparse or lacking. 
In this study, the interpretation of enhanced Landsat 
MSS imagery revealed many previously unmapped linea 
ments and led to the discovery of several formerly 
undetected active faults responsible for much of the 
the seismic activity in the southcentral Alborz 
region. For example, the study showed that the rocks 
on both sides of major lineaments in the Tuchal-Karaj 
area are not the same in age and lithology and appear 
to have been significantly deformed along the fault. 
This finding suggests that this lineament represents 
a deep-seated structure rather than a structural 
break near the surface as is the case for other major 
The detection of lineaments also helped to identify 
areas that have the potential for discovery of phos 
phate, providing an accessible source of agricultural 
fertilizer. The development of this source could be 
a great step toward the mitigation of Iran's produc 
tion problems. 
In addition to mineral identification, Landsat linea 
ment analysis facilitates the assessment of the risk 
of damage from earthquakes. Such assessments are 
essential to providing for the safety and well-being 
of the area's inhabitants. 
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ms in future 
î risk hazard 
onally in the 
nt parts of the 
in providing 
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