As we knowr P(z) imposes a spatial connectivity
constraint and contextual constraints. For exampler
traffic signs often occur on both sides of a traffic scene.
The single-pixel clique potential V\ (z(x),x) with small
value a( z ( x ) ?x ) can be pre-defined on those sites which
means the likelihood of those regions which contain
potential traffic signs is higher.
The conditional probability function P(r\z) is de
fined by
n V 2 *
X Vi{z(xi),Xi)
+ X V 2( Z (Xi),Xi)
X a (x(xi),Xi)
+ X D ii z ( Xi ) “ ii 2
exp(—/3 || Ar{xi,Xj) || 2 )
r(xj) - r(xi)
Here the redness image r is modeled as a mean in
tensity function u plus a zero-meanT white Gaussian
noise n(0, <7 2 )r> = u + n. Thus the colorness image
segmentation is solved by maximizing the posteriori
distribution function
Here (3 is a factor. Because V2 is a smoothness
constraint if two pixels in a pair-site clique C2
have very different valuesrthen the region class
of the two pixels is not possibly the sameTthen D
nears zerorwhich does not affect V2.
P(z\r) = -pr exp u ( z ) ^ exp u ( z \ r )
U{z\r) = X ¿2 K®) - w U(x),x)] 2 -
X x
This yields
arg minX^rW - u {z{x)>x) ] 2
X x
T } ^ a (z(x),x) + XI II Z ( X i) ~ z i x j) II
xECi XÇ.C2
The complete algorithm (given here using a redness
image) is as follow:
1. Given initial parameters 0 = {redhaT redhcT
redsaFredscTredlarredlbrredlcjra, degree of red
ness r is computed using equation (2).
2. To solve the optimization problemTan ICM (iter
ated condition method) method [9] is usedTvisit
each site xTfind z{x) by maximizing:
P(z(xi)\r(xi),z(xj),all Xj e N Xi )
Vc (z(Xi),Xi)
= exp ' c
3. Once all sites visitedTre-estimate 0 by minimiz
ing :
0* = arg nun X II u (*(*),x) “
r(x,h(x),s(x),l(x),Q) || 2
4. Exit if the segmentation is satisfied (e.g. class
assignment no longer changes)Totherwise repeat
steps 2-3.
4.4 Size filter by blob analysis
In most casesT unwanted regions appear in a color-
component image due to noise. UsuallyTsuch regions
are small. After a binarized image is obtainedTblob
analysis is used to find those isolated regions whose
size are below a threshold To and remove them. Re
sults of extracted signs are given in Figure 8.
5 Shape analysis by NFD
Traffic signs have special shapes (octagonT trian
gler circleT semi-circleT pennantT diamondr rectangleT
trapezoidr and pentagon) with traffic meanings de
pending on shape. Similar shapes of traffic signs have
similar traffic meaning which usually are grouped to
gether. These shape information can be directly ex
tracted from boundaries of color regions.