fullscreen: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Figure 3: 3D building hypotheses based on the digital cadastral map 
roof, the buildings are classified (e.g. garage, residential 
building, office block, industrial building, church, tower) 
by analysing the text information contained in the dig- 
ital cadastral map. Frequently industrial buildings and 
garages have a flat roof. Since the shape of a desk or 
flat roof will follow the shape of the ground plan for most 
cases, the 2D contour line of the roof is assumed to be 
identical to the given ground plan for these types of build- 
ings. In contrast to that saddle roofs were expected for 
residential buildings. For theses buildings the generaliza- 
tion process described in the preceding section was applied 
to define the contour lines of the roof. At the moment the 
generation of 3D hypotheses and the verification process 
described below can only handle models of saddle and flat 
roofs. Even though desk, flat or hipped roofs can be con- 
sidered as special cases of saddle roofs, other models which 
are able to cope with modifications of the used rectangular 
shape will have to be implemented. The ridge lines of the 
saddle. roofs are defined by the longer middle axes of the 
rectangles, which were generated by the simplification and 
combination of the given ground plans. 
Generally the direction of the ridge of a roof also follows 
rules of town planning, adjoining buildings e.g. have the 
same ridge direction, or rows of buildings parallel to a 
street have ridge lines that are adjusted to the direction of 
the adjacent street. To make use of this knowledge future 
work will have to perform further analysis of the given 2D 
data e.g. by the detection of neighbourhood relations for 
buildings or by additionally extracting information about 
streets, which is also contained in the digital cadastral map 
in form of text symbols. 
Hypotheses about other parameters like the height of 
à building can only be generated by using of meta- 
information that is not given in the digital cadastral map. 
Such kind of information is the location of the buildings 
in the city (e.g. city center, outskirts, industrial area) and 
the knowledge about typical heights or numbers of floors 
of different kinds of buildings (industrial building, church, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
garage, office block) dependent on the location in the city. 
The 3D building hypotheses shown in figure 3 were gen- 
erated using the generalized ground plans; to define the 
unknown parameters in height knowledge on the usage of 
buildings (e.g. garage, residential building, office block, in- 
dustrial building, church, tower) which was extracted from 
the digital cadastral map was utilized. To perform the 3D 
construction the following assumptions on the height val- 
ues were made: 
e Garages: 3m 
e hesidential building and office block : 9 m for the 
ridge, 6 m for the eaves 
e Industrial building : 15 m 
e Church : 12m 
e Tower : 25 m 
e Kindergarten : 5 m 
e others : 7.5 m 
Because the constructed buildings are only based on quite 
weak assumptions, a verification process including addi- 
tional information is necessary. For that purpose aerial 
images are used. 
To verify the generated 3D building hypotheses and to 
determine the unknown parameters of the object model, 
additional information is required. In our approach linear 
features are extracted from an aerial image and matched 
against lines of the object model to provide that missing 
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