Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Hiroshi Hanaizumi, Kentaro Saito, Shinji Chino 
College of Engineering, Hosei University 
3-7-2 Kajino-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184, Japan 
Phone +81-423-87-6354 
Fax +81-423-87-6126 
E-mail hana@hana.is.hosei.ac.jp (H. Hanaizumi) 
Sadao Fujimura 
Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo 
7-3-1 Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan 
Phone +81-3-812-2111 ext.6900 Fax +81-3-5689-7354 
E-mail fuji@k2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp 
Commission IV, Working Group 1 
KEY WORDS: Linear discriminant function algorithm, Clustering, Data projection, Histogram, Valley, Binary division tree, 
within-sum-of-squares, Training data 
A method is proposed for supervised classification of remotely sensed multispectral images with high accuracy and high 
efficiency. The method Modified Linear Discriminant Function (MLDF) produces a binary division tree by dividing training 
data until all the terminal nodes of the tree have only one kind of category. After production of the tree, whole image data are 
classified. Numerical simulation indicates the method has as high accuracy as Maximum Likelihood method does and as 
high efficiency as a Binary Division Tree classifier does. 
Supervised classification is one of the basic processes in 
the application of remote sensing technology to various fields. 
Itis indispensable analysis of remotely sensed multispectral 
images, for example, in environmental monitoring. For 
monitoring earth environment using satellite, it is important 
that a classifier must have high efficiency as well as high 
accuracy. Among the methods proposed so far, maximum 
likelihood classifier (MLH) is well-known and most accurate 
on the assumption that the generality of training data is 
satisfied (Fujimura, 1978), but it requires much time to classify 
the image. On the other hand, Binary Decision Tree (BDT) 
classifier (Inamura, 1979) is one of the most efficient 
methods, but it has lower accuracy than MLH does on the 
assumption above. A method having high efficiency as well 
as high accuracy has been required. 
Here, we propose a new method having both high accuracy 
and high efficiency. We call the method as Modified Linear 
Discriminant Function (MLDF). The method MLDF is 
expanded from BDT. We introduce linear discriminant 
function into boundary selection in BDT. The division 
boundary of MLDF is determined using binary division 
technique in a clustering method BDC-LDF (Hanaizumi, 
1995a, b). The boundary is selected among valleys in 
density histogram obtained from image data projected onto 
a single dimensional subspace. As we do not use the 
statistics (such as mean and variance) of training data, we 
can regard MLDF as a nonparametric classifier. 
In this paper, we describe the principle and the procedures 
of MLDF. The validity of MLDF is confirmed by numerical 
simulation and classification of real remote sensing images. 
In the feature space, MLH produces hyper-quadratic 
boundaries which theoretically achieve the highest accuracy 
with much time for the classification. BDT achieves high 
speed with some loss of accuracy by limiting number of 
boundaries for binary division of data. It is known that the 
accuracy of linear discriminant function (LDF) algorithm is 
identical to that of MLH when all training data sets have the 
same variance-covariance matrix. By using LDF algorithm 
hierarchically, we achieve highly accurate (as well as MLH) 
and highly efficient (as well as BDT) . 
The basic ideas of the proposed method MLDF are to label 
pixels in training area with category identification, to merge 
all the pixel data in all training areas into one group and to 
apply binary division process to the group so that all data in 
a terminal node have the same identification. After 
production of decision tree, all image data are classified as 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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