Full text: Complete indexes of authors, coauthors and keywords for all books (Part B-all books)

This book belongs to all Parts B of Volume XXXI of the International Archives of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing and contains two Indices: 
1. The Index of All Authors and Co-authors of all papers reviewed and accepted by the seven 
Technical Commissions, of the Member Reports (National Reports, Regional Reports) and of the 
papers accepted for Special Sessions, provided that the camera ready manuscripts arrived in Vienna 
prior to the deadline mid April 1996. The papers of the Special Sessions SS07 and SS08 
(Presentation of the Winners of Prizes for Best Papers by Young Authors) as well as of SS11 and 
S812 (Common Sessions of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs with the Technical Commission 
VII) were sorted in to the respective part of the Technical Commission. 
2. The Index of Keywords as indicated by the authors. One part of these keywords was selected 
from a master keyword list attached to the ISPRS Guidelines for Authors. This list contained the most 
characteristic keywords from the total Keyword Index of Volume XXIX, and some other keywords 
recommended additionally. The other part of new keywords has been freely selected by the authors 
according to needs. A proper selection from all these new keywords should result in a better or 
updated master keyword list for the coming congresses and symposia. Thereafter the keyword lists 
should grow slowly from congress to congress and form a reliable book of addresses to the most 
important messages in the scientific literature of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 
The tiresome input of the paper data including keywords has been done by Ulrike Pachowsky and 
Josef Tschannerl. The Congress Software belongs to Heinrich Vesely, who deliberately adjusted it to 
the needs of the Technical Committee for the XVIIIth Congress of the International Society of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. The data processing for all parts of Volume XXXI has been 
done with greatest care and responsibility by Hans Thueminger. The arrangement of the editorial 
pages and the communication with the printshop was in the reliable hands of Josef Tschannerl. Last 
not least: Eva Berkes sorted the papers to her files. No paper got lost and all papers can be found in 
place. Many thanks for the successful teamwork at the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Peter Waldháusl Karl Kraus 
Technical Programme Director Congress Director 

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