Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

3# An equipment system for architectural photogrammetry 
The architectural objects, which are surveyed , differ conside 
rably in space arrangement of its elements, variety of ornaments 
and create different conditions for surveying. 
Taking also into account various forms of the documentation as 
well as various methods of mapping it is obvious that it is impo 
ssible to give one set of instruments which can fulfil all require 
The majority of photogrammetrie instruments the early terrestrial 
cameras, plotters, orthophoto equipment/ were designed for 
topographical mapping# The last 15 years have brought us new 
construction of instruments /cameras, plotters/ which were 
designed specialy for architectural and close range photogrammetry• 
Let s list the requirements, which terrestrial cameras for 
architectural photogrammetry should fulfils 
1 / wide range of the camera - to - subject distances /from 0 , 5 m 
to 100 m/, 
2 / possibility of optional horizontal and vertical camera 
Typical cases of vertical orientation: 
a/ horizontal axis, 
b/ tilted to optional or chosen angles /with angles Q 2 (i 
where - camera field angle/, 
c/ vertical axis# 
Typical cases of horizontal orientation 
- normal 
- averted /very rarely/ 
3/ possibility of camera set up for upright or broad-side format 
4/ high accuracy of camera orientation, which allows for plotting 
without control points for short camera-to-subject distance 
5/ possibility of camera orientation in relation to any reference 
coordinate system, 
6 / possibility of a remote shutter release, 
7/ light weight 
In table 1 the technical parameters of some cameras are listed. 
When v/e compare these parameters of the cameras with requirements 
listed above, one can see that not all of them are fulfilled# 
Por example the requirement 5 is fulfield only by cameras 1 , 2 , 3 and 
9# Generally we can say that modern cameras almost satisfy 
architectural photogrammetry requirements# V/e want to stress that 
many of new cameras or introduced modification to old cameras 
were designed to satisfy requirements of architectural photogram- 
Por short camera-to-subject distance the stereometric cameras, 
a very good supplement the terrestrial cameras, are very useful#

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