Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 1)

such as the discrimination of four physiographic zones 
and the delineation of two drainage system terrains, 
were extracted from the standard Landsat MSS imagery. 
Detail geologic information, particularly about 
lithologic variations and structural geologic features 
were extracted from digitally processed imagery - the 
Principal Conponent imagery, the Band Ratio imagery 
and the Edge Enhanced imagery - concentrated in two 
test sites, the Sukabumi and Lembang area. 'Thirteen 
different lithologic terrains in the Sukabumi area and 
eleven different lithologic terrains from the Lerrbang 
area were discriminated and extracted from the 
Principal Component imagery and the Band Ratio 
imagery, while the Edge Enhanced imagery of these two 
sites provide additional understanding of the 
Cimandiri fault zone, the Lenbang fault and the N-S 
maximum principal stress responsible for the 
development of structural patterns in this region. 
Topographic details, such as the continuation of 
ridges of Cimandiri fault zone, the radial drainage 
pattern around the volcanoes, the south dipping 
sedimentary rocks of the Southern Mountain zone and 
the sharpness of the drainage system disected by the 
Lenbang fault, were particularly prominent on the 
SIR-A imagery of West Java area. 
The importance of Landsat MSS data and SIR-A imagery 
as sources of information for geological investigation 
in tropical region should never be overlooked. 
However, to interpret lithologies and structural 
features one must follow a "multi-step interpretation" 
approach taking into considerations the image 
characteristics (band selections, type of processings, 
look directions, etc.) and the terrain characteristics 
(rock resistance, the degree of weathering, vegetation 
density and water contents). 
The authors wish to express their appreciation to the 
Indonesia's National Institute of Aeronautic and 
Space (LAPAN), particulary to Mr.Nasril Hadjar of 
S3A-LAPAN, for providing the Landsat MSS data and for 
assisting the field investigations. Appreciation 
also goes to Dr.G.B.Bailey of EROS Data Center, Sioux 
Falls, South Dakota - USA, for his advices on 
selecting types of image processing system and his 
assistances to gain access to conduct digital image 
processing using EROS facilities. This investigation 
was also funded through grants from the Indonesian 
Cultural Foundation, Inc.,1985. 
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