Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 6. Bandung-lndonesia 1999 
Tono Saksono 
Director, PT. ENTOPOS INDONESIA. Jl. Wijaya 1/71 Jakarta 12170, Indonesia. 
Phone: 62-21-720-3151/52; Fax: 62-21-739-5191; http://www.entopos.co.id; 
e-mail: entopos@indo.net.id; tsaksono@indo.net.id 
Indonesian surveyors and geomaticians will be pleased to know that they are to be included in a national human resources inventory, 
documented by the National Association of Indonesian Consultants (INKINDO). It is anticipated that the database will be the most 
comprehensive statistical reference of human resources in the country. It covers more than 1,400 professions - including, 
accountants, architects, civil engineers and economists - broken down into four specialization levels as set by the World Bank. 
INKINDO expects some 35,000 Indonesian professionals to be recorded in the inventory, which will be accessible - both nationally 
and internationally - through the association's regional offices in all twenty-seven provinces and its web-site. From the database, 
information on the numbers of civil engineers specializing in dam construction, for example - including their whereabouts, 
distribution, availability, professional affiliation, history of professional practice and the project scale in which they have been 
involved - can be obtained. The same token will also apply for surveyors and geomaticians. 
The increasing need for an accurate reference to blueprint future development of Indonesian human resources are among the main 
reasons as to believe why the inventory will be precious not only to INKINDO members, but also to other professional associations, 
the public, and even policy makers. 
How many Indonesian civil engineers specializing in dam 
construction? Where are their whereabouts? What is their 
professional affiliation? Is the history of their professional 
practice and the project scale in which they were involved, 
known? These are simple inquisitions yet it is widely 
acknowledged that the need to address them with detail and 
accuracy is crucial. Hence, one will be surprised to find out that 
there is no institution in Indonesia - government or private - 
that has been designated responsible for making such 
information available. One may inquire to the Institute of 
Indonesian Engineers (PII) without avail. Or, one might try any 
of the so-called reputable universities of this country. They are 
normally able to identify the hundreds of Ph.Ds in Political 
Science or Economics that have graduated from their 
institutions, but if it is questioned what researches these 
scholars have completed, what book titles they have written and 
what papers they have presented, the answer is most likely 
unsatisfactory. The same vague answers are normally given by 
the National Association of Indonesian Consultants 
(INKINDO) to prospective clients and or partners, simply 
because there is no corresponding information available - let 
alone it being of a highly comprehensive standard. 
INKINDO is a non-governmental organization whose members 
are enterprise consultants. Subject to further verification of 
those that are no longer running due to the economic crisis, 
since its establishment in the early seventies, there are currently 
some 3,500 consulting companies registered as INKINDO 
members spreading in all twenty-seven provinces in the 
country. Referring to a World Bank classification, INKINDO 
members are grouped into fifteen sectors (Agriculture, 
Construction, Education, Health, etc.) and ten services (Survey, 
Information Services, Management Services, etc.). 
It is a well-known secret that one result of the state’s ill- 
dominance over society during the last 30 years or so, is 
undeniably the fact that civil servants are given preference over 
private professionals to continue their studies to a higher degree 
(usually overseas), at the expense of the taxpayers. This policy 
has therefore helped support the cultivation of government 
propaganda, stating that the human resources development of 
civil servants is far better than that of the private professionals. 
INKINDO’s tendency - in the past - to recruit many of its 
professionals from universities and other departments, has 
proved the effectiveness of this propaganda. It is now realized 
that to some extent, professional conducts have been sacrificed, 
as higher degrees do not necessarily mean professionalism in 
private sectors. 
Following its national consultative and working group meeting 
held last year in June and September respectively, INKINDO 
has been committed to set up an inventory, which is expected to 
become the most comprehensive database of Indonesian experts 
in the country. This inventory will then be organized by the 
Center for Data and Information Service (PDLI). 
PDLI will not only be beneficial to INKINDO members, but 
also for the rest of interrelating community. PDLI will be able 
to monitor fraud and ill-gotten information mistakenly input to

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