Full text: Special UNISPACE III volume

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII Part 7C2, UNISPACE III, Vienna. 1999 
UNISPACE m - ISPRS Workshop on 
‘"Resource Mapping from Space"’ 
9:00 am -12:00 pm, 22 July 1999, VIC Room B 
Vienna, Austria 
7. Present Capabilities of Microwave Satellite Systems 
Optical satellite systems have sofar shown difficulties with 
marginal resolution and with cloud coverage. For this reason the 
European Space Agency' ESA has launched the ERS radar 
satellite series followed by Japan with JERS and Canada with 
Radar signals follow a very different geometry from optical 
devices. The existing satellite systems have also not been 
designed for land, but for ocean coverage, giving differences in 
the amount of foreshortening or shadows to be encountered. 
Moreover, radar backscattering does not behave like optical 
reflection. Thus the criteria for planimetric accuracy and for 
detectability of objects from radar images do not easily 
correspond to pixel size resolution of optical systems. 
Depending on the grey level differentiation desired radar 
processing can be executed (e.g. for ERS-1) to 12.5 m or 25 
pixels related to the ground. 
Thus radar images are more suitable for image fusion with 
optical images rather than for mapping alone. 
Radar, when used in multitemporal mode or multipolarization 
mode, on the other hand, compares to optical multispectral 
differentiation capabilities, when classifying area objects. Yet 
satellite radars have a very distinct advantage, they generate 
coherent radiation. Coherent radar signals influence radar 
geometry since the images are reconstructed using phase and 
Doppler informations. They can only properly be reconstructed 
if a D.E.M. is used in the reconstruction. 
On the other hand phase information may be utilized for D.E.M. 
generation using interferometry principles. While radar 
interferometry has been carried out using repeated images from 
quite different orbits (as for JERS-1 and Radarsat), as long as 
there is a base between the two imaging stations, the conditions 
for interferometry were greatly improved during the ERS- 
l/ERS-2 tandem mission which directed the 2 ERS satellites so 
that corresponding radar coverages over the same area were 
obtained one day apart with a small base between orbits. 
Radar interferometry requires not only that the base between 
orbits is known, but that the sensor position and the sensor 
attitude is accurately determined. In the present satellite systems 
such possibilities have not been available with sufficient 
In the Hannover area a digital elevation model generated from 
radar interferometry has been fitted by a 7 parameter 
transformation to the few identifiable common control in the 
radar images. In most areas the comparison with an existing and 
accurate conventional D.E.M. resulted in average discrepancies 
of less than 10 m for 90 % of the points, but in hilly areas 
discrepancies of over 100 m were encountered. 
This confirms that radar interferometry may be useful in 
differential changes of image portions, which are due to 
dynamic changes of the terrain, but it sofar fails in reliable 
elevation determinations. 
An improvement of this situation has been suggested by the 
U.S. German SIR-C Space Shuttle Mission in 1999, which not 
only will use three radar frequencies (X-band. C-band, L-band) 
to resolve atmospheric ambiguities, but also will have tw'o types 
of receiving antennas mounted on a 30 m long beam, the 
positions and attitudes of which are continuously monitored by 
differential GPS. In this way it is hoped to obtain a system 
capable of rapid D.E.M. mapping for large areas to ± 10 m. 
8. Digital Elevation Models 
There are currently at least six alternative methods considered 
for future generation of digital elevation models, competing in 
accuracy and price: 
* the digitization of existing line maps at 5 to 20 m accuracy, 
depending on the original map quality, at prices of 1 $/knr 
■ the existing US Military global coverage at 20 m accuracy, 
obtainable for some portions of the globe, at prices of 1 
$/km 2 
■ aerial photogrammetric mapping at 5 m accuracy' for 40 
$/km 2 
■ the future use of US commercial optical satellites, 
following the Stereo-MOMS principles, but at higher 
resolution with 5 m accuracy for 50 $/km 2 , with the 
advantage to map areas, when aerial photography is not 
■ optical stereo sensors following the Stereo-MOMS or the 
SPOT/IRS-1C principle with 10 m accuracy at 5 $/knr 
■ interferometric SAR of the SIR-C type with 10 m accuracy 
at 5 $/knr. 
9. Use of Satellite Remote Sensing Systems 
The use of existing satellite images for monitoring the 
environment in the largest sense is manifold. The choice of 
imagery is always a compromise between availability and 
spatial, spectral and temporal resolution considering 
repeatability, swath, and pixel size. 
All remote sensing conferences in Asia and in other parts of the 
world show that weather and meteorological dangers (storms, 
cyclones) can be monitored by global satellites such as Insat. 
NOAA satellites permit to measure sea surface temperature, 
pigment and chlorophyll concentration of ocean and coastal 
areas. But they are also able to monitor the state of vegetation 
on the basis of the normalized digital vegetation index to follow 
patterns of drought or floods, the health of tropical forests or the 
devastation by forest fires. 
Resource satellites are useful in monitoring crop patterns in 
detecting vegetation diseases, to determine erosion risks or to 
follow' uncontrolled growth of industrial activity and urban 
settlements and their pollution effects on the environment. 
There would be no hope to gather the amount of this type of 
information without satellite remote sensing systems. 
These interpreted results together with socio-economic data 
constitute the needed thematic information which needs 
reference to the base mapping system in form of a geographic 
information system. 
Noteworthy are the recent activities of the Committee on Earth 
Observations by Satellites CEOS, an organization of the space 
agencies formed on the initiative of the 67 group. CEOS 
propagates the creation of an information locator system which 
helps the user to find pertinent information via the Internet. This 
CEOS-ILS is to contain types, locations, and times of satellite 
sensor images taken, if possible with reduced content

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