Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

During a period of eight months it was not pos 
sible to obtain imagery of reasonable quality of 
the NOAA-7 AVHRR system, a system with a near daily 
revisit capability. This is due to the high cloud 
cover, which is often present in the Lower Tana 
River region. This demonstrate the weekness of 
optical satellite systems in operational aplication 
practices and the urge for non-optical systems 
like radar for areas with a high cloud cover such 
as the tropics and many deltaic regions in the 
Despite the facts just mentioned, the AVHRR-images 
indicate their usefulness for investigation and 
monitoring of the vegetation growth in smaller 
regions. The radiometry and spatial resolution is 
sufficient to allow for such applications. Although 
no atmospheric corrections were performed on the 
imagery the enhanced images are in agreement with 
the field observations. 
Blyth, K. 1981. Remote sensing in hydrology. 
Report no. 74, Institute of Hydrology, 
Wallingford, U.K. 
Colwell,R.N. 1983. Manual of Remote Sensing 
vol. 1 and 2, American Society of Photo- 
grammetry,the Sheridan Press 
Deutsch, M. & D.R. Wiesnet & A. Rango 1979. 
Satellite hydrology American Water Resources 
DHV Consulting Engineers 1985. Experiences with 
microliight aircraft and small format aerial 
photography in the Tana River Area, Kenya 
DHV Consulting Engineers 1985. Experiments to 
measure bank erosion along the Tana River with 
aerial photographs 
DHV Consulting Engineers 1985. Land use along the 
Tana River in Kenya and its relation to river 
morphology and environmental conditions 
DHV Consulting Engineers 1985. Monitoring expe 
riments with NOAA-7 AVHRR satellite imagery of 
ephemeral tributaries of Tana River, Kenya 
DHV Consulting Engineers 1983. Water Resources 
Study Tihama Coastal Plain Vol. 1 and 2, the 
Donker, N.H.W., R. Soeters 1979. Digital image 
processing subjects Preliminary lecture notes, 
ITC, the Netherlands 
Lillesand, T.M., R.W. Kiefer 1979. Remote sensing 
and image interpretation, John Wiley and Sons 
NOAA polar orbiting data users guide, 1984. U.S. 
Departement of Commerce. NOAA national enviro- 
mental satellite, data, and information service. 
Tucker, C.J., J.A.Gatlin, 1984. Photogrammetric 
Engineering and Remote Sensing. Monitoring vege 
tation in the Nile delta with NOAA-6 and NOAA-7 
imagery, pp 53-61

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