Myperspectral data presents interesting
opportunities and challenges to researchers, not
the least of which is the problems associated
with displaying and manipulating imagery with
over 200 channels and 16 bit resolution. The FLI
has 288 spectral bands from 0.43 to 0.805
microns and the AVIR1S has 224 spectral
channels from 0.4 to 2.5 microns. The AVIRIS
data also can be obtained spectrally-resampled
to 210 channels. Most commercial image
processing packages do not support imaging
spectrometery sensors at their full spectral and
radiometeric resolution. At the Institute for
Space and Terrestrial Science (ISTS) we have
developed an Imaging Spectrometer Analysis
Package for the quantitative analysis of full
resolution imaging spectrometery data. This work
grew from a cooperative project between York
University and Moniteq Ltd. to study data from
the Canadian Fluorescence Line Imager (FLI)
(Miller et al., 1987).
At ISTS, software has been written to analyze
imaging spectrometer data from the FLI and
from NASA’s Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging
Spectrometer (AVIRIS) at full spectral, spatial
and radiometeric resolution. The only limitation
being the availability of disk space to store the
very large volume of data: 16 MB for a typical
FLI full spectral scene and 120 MB for a full
AVIRIS scene. The image is usually subset to a
more manageable size for analysis. The Imaging
Spectrometer software is integrated into PCI’s
EASI/PACE image analysis system using the
Software Toolbox (PCI, 1989a). Imaging
spectrometery data is stored consistent with the
PCIDSK format (PCI, 1989b). Currently the
software runs on a Microvax II, Sun workstation
(SUN 3/60) and a PC based image processing
A modular approach was taken to the software
development. Instead of independent systems for
batch and interactive processing of the imagery,
one library of fundamental subroutines was used
(see Figure 1) to which all modules are linked.
In the interactive mode, FORTRAN modules
were strung together by an EASI procedure
(command file). This allows new analysis
modules to be incorporated easily and permits
each module to be run independently if the need
arises. In the batch mode one large FORTRAN
programme is used that does all the processing
I'he first step in the analysis procedure, whether
it be batch or interactive, is to select and
calibrate the data. A tablet (or mouse) is used to
define a window of interest from the displayed
image for interactive processing. The average
digital value for the window is calculated. For
batch processing an image database input
window is specified and calculations are done on
a pixel by pixel basis. The data must be
calibrated to appropriate units and for this
purpose the software allows several options.
Calibration files are stored for spectral,
radiometric and reflectance calibration.
Conversion to radiance is done using radiance
scale factors supplied by the sensor’s
manufacturer. One useful option is to employ a
table of extra-terrestrial solar irradiance values
and the image geometry to convert the image to
pseudo-reflectance values. An approximate
atmospheric correction procedure can be applied
if ground measurements of suitable reflectance
targets are supplied and a
digital-number-to-reflectance calibration is
available. If a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is
available a correction for topography can be
made. The analyst determines which calibration
procedure is to be used.
Interpretation algorithms or inverse models can
now be applied to calibrated data. These
algorithms can extract spectral and/or
reflectance parameters such as reflectance ratios,
watercolour parameters (Freemantle and Miller,
1987) or vegetation red edge spectral parameters
(Miller et al., 1990b). In the interactive mode the
calculated parameters and spectral curves are
displayed at the workstation terminal for the
analyst to assess (see Figure 2). The
EASI/PACE parameter file stores interpretation
choices, for example the vegetation red edge
spectral window, for use during batch processing
of the image. During batch processing user
selected calculated parameters are written back
to a PCIDSK image database in 8 bit form. This
image can be then analyzed using conventional
methods such as thresholding, pseudo-colour,
etc. The modular approach allows new
interpretation, atmospheric correction or
calibration models to be added to the software
with a minimum of effort.
The Imaging Spectrometery Analysis Package
has been used to analyze AVIRIS and FLI data
over vegetated targets (Miller et al. 1990, Rock
et al., 1990). The red edge analysis can be
applied to both the FLI and AVIRIS data (see