Cette pratique simplifie considérablement le problème de la compensation
tant du point de vue théorique, que dans l’exécution pratique. La compensation
de la chaîne de points nadiraux d’une bande comprise entre deux couples con
trôles devient similaire à la compensation d’un cheminement planimétrique à
polygone rectiligne.
De plus, les formules obtenues montrent que cette méthode permet de corriger
simultanément les erreurs accidentelles et les erreurs systématiques constantes.
Transfer of Absolute Orientation in Aerial Triangulation
The absolute orientation of a stereomodel is defined by four parameters: scale, azimuth,
longitudinal and lateral tilt. Along a triangulated strip these parameters are altered by each
transfer from one model to the next one. The differential errors by which these parameters are
disturbed in each transfer may be expressed easily as functions of the errors of the relative
orientation elements of the new photopair (in the case bzi = bz% = 0), or of the orientation elements
of the new air station (in the case of ordinary model connexion).
If accidental errors only are considered, it is possible to express, starting from the adopted
methods of relative orientation and scale transfer, the weight and correlation numbers of the
setting elements of the photographs. By application of the law of propagation of errors and taking
into account the previously established functions, the weight and correlation numbers of the para
meters of absolute orientation can also be computed.
For the practically adopted methods, it is found out that the parameters of the absolute orienta
tion are uncorrelated and thus compose a combination of independant variables, which may be
considered for computational purposes as a set of directly observed quantities.
Application of this principle gives us a clearer understanding and a more elegant and easier
procedure of aerial triangulation adjustment.
Cette communication n’est suivie d’aucune discussion.
La parole est ensuite donnée à M. A. Bjerhammar (Suède) qui présente:
»Further Results with the Parallax Triangulation Method». Résumé:
According to Bachmann the adjustment of an aerotriangulation is performed
after a primary orientation procedure. In this method the orientation of the
individual model is made by technical methods and finally an additional numeri
cal adjustment follows for the closure conditions of the whole chain. (Bachmann:
Théorie des erreurs et compensation des triangulations aériennes. Lausanne
1946) — In a later paper the author has treated the adjustment of the aero
triangulation according to a new technique. (Bjerhammar: Photogrammetria II
1950—1951: 4). In this method all 'parallax conditions of the orientations as well
as the closure conditions of the chain are included in a common adjustment. This
means that the sum of the squares of the residual parallaxes will be equal to
minimum. The method is here called parallax-triangulation. The theoretical
difference between the two methods may be explained in the following way.
Residual parallaxes
V — Vi -j- v 2
and thus
2 VV rr 2 Vi y I -f- 2Ï V 2 Vo -f- 2 2vi v 2
v x r= residual parallax after the primary orientation
v 2 — added parallax to compensate the conditions of closure
v = total residual parallax after completed adjustment.
According to the method of combined adjustment there are three groups of
necessary conditions to be fullfilled in order to get a minimum of the whole.
1 : o 2 Vi Vi = min
2: o 2 v 2 v 2 = min
3 : o 2 2 Vi v 2 = 0
A. Bjerhammar: Further
Results with the Parallax
Triangulation Method.
(Publ. Ill B 2)