Part 4a
IA1— 277
IB1— 272
I B 2 — 162
IB3— 111
I B 4 — 266
I B5— 107
IC1— 167
IC1— 112
ICB2— 116
IE1— 121
IF1— 120
IH2— 118
IM1-— 269
IO1-— 122
IP3— 270
IS1— 108
Commission I
L. Ahstrand, Sweden: Aerial photography with small aircraft under tropical
P.-L. Baetslé, Belgium: L'éxagération apparente du relief dans l'observa-
tion des stéréogrammes.
G. C. Brock, Great Britain: Advances in sensitive materials and techniques
for air photography.
W. A. Brucklacher, Germany: Gesichtspunkte zur Verwendung der Kon-
vergentkammer 2X: RMK 21/18 von Zeiss-Aerotopograph.
H. Báckstróm, Sweden: Some investigations about film and filter questions
in aerial photography
L. Bertele, Switzerland: New photogrammetric lenses.
Institut Géographique National (J. Cruset), France: Les laboratoires du
service des études et fabrications de l’Institut Géographique National.
Institut Géographique National (J. Cruset), France: Méthode générale
d'étalonnage des obturateurs photographiques.
P. D. Carman & H. Brown, Canada: Differences between visual and photo-
graphic calibrations of air survey cameras.
L. Ekelund, Sweden: Some investigations into distortion of air cameras.
R. W. Fish, Great Britain: Notes on calibration of cameras for air survey.
B. Hallert, Sweden: A new method for the determination of the distortion
and the inner orientation of cameras and projectors.
B. Hallert, Sweden: The grid method and the y-parallax method for the
determination of systematic disturbances in aerial and terrestrial photo-
H. K. Meier, Germany: Ein neues Statoskop mit elektrischer Registrie-
L. Ottoson, Sweden: Comparative tests of the accuracy of panchromatic,
infra-red and colour pictures from the air for photogrammetric purposes.
C. Powell, Great Britain: A radio aid to air survey.
G. Parenti, Italy: Future of the telescopic printer-rectifier.
G. Parenti, Italy: Experiments on the gyroscopic recording of the nadir
point according to the Nistri method.
K. Schwidefsky, Germany: Zur Charakteristik der neuen Zeiss-Objektive
fiir Luftaufnahmen.