Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

resolution for 
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1ases: First, a 
matching. In 
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near periapsis 
rbital height), 
ant orbit seg- 
ground track 
Figure 1. A 
operations is 
given in Albertz et al. (1993) and Ebner et al. (1994). 
[ ] 
Forward HRSC 
Stereo ECO 
Far red LE 
Photometry CC 
104 km 
68 km 86 km 
Blue [721777] %18 km 
L Stereo 1l += 1 ] 
Nadir Green CF 
143 km Photometry 7) 
Infrared C11 
Stereo (I1: 
[ ] 
62 km 
n 519 km i 
Figure 1: Ground track of HRSC and WAOSS at 300 km 
orbital height (not true to scale) 
The image matching procedure of HRSC and WAOSS data 
has to consider several factors: 
e the highly elliptic orbit, which causes varying 
ground pixel sizes in the image strips; 
e the different ground pixel size of HRSC and WAOSS 
(normally factor 8); 
e the macropixel formation due to the limited onboard 
storage capacity: the gray values of 4 or 16 pixels 
are averaged to 1 macropixel; 
e changing illumination conditions during the mission; 
e poor texture in parts of the image data to be ac- 
In order to improve the accuracy of the subsequent bundle 
block adjustment, the matching approach has to work with 
any combination of HRSC and WAOSS imagery taken dur- 
ing the mission. Comprehensive computer simulations on 
local, regional and global block triangulation have shown, 
that most accurate results can be achieved, if image strips 
from many orbital arcs are processed simultaneously in a 
block of high geometric strength based on a combination 
of HRSC, WAOSS, orbit, attitude and ground control data 
(Ohlhof 1996). 
The matching approach has to cope with different sets of 
input parameters. In the most general mode, only a rough 
estimation of the overlapping area is known. In the nom- 
inal case, preprocessed position and attitude parameters 
and image coordinates of a few ground control points mea- 
sured interactively are available. 
In the next section the matching approach is described in 
detail. The approach was tested using terrestrial 3-line 
imagery of the MEOSS and MOMS-02/D2 projects and 
extraterrestrial frame imagery of the Viking mission. The 
results of the tests are presented and discussed. Finally, 
conclusions are drawn. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
In this section we describe the new image matching ap- 
proach. It mainly consists of a combination of feature 
based matching and least squares matching. Moreover, im- 
age pyramids are incorporated into the strategy. Some spe- 
cial adaptations are necessary to properly deal with several 
overlapping images recorded by HRSC and WAOSS. 
In the first strip! one image! is selected as the reference 
image. Then each other image of this strip is matched 
with the reference image. The resulting pairs of conjugate 
points receive the number of the point in the reference 
image. Therefore identification of many-fold points is pos- 
sible by a simple comparison of the numbers of the pairs. 
In case of two or more strips, the concept developed by 
Heipke et al. (1996) is used. For the subsequent block tri- 
angulation, the strips have to be connected by tie points. 
This task is solved using the concept of point trans- 
fer which is well known from analytical photogrammetry. 
There is one reference image in each strip. The reference 
image of the first strip is matched with the reference image 
of the second strip. For points in the reference image of 
the second strip conjugate points are searched in the other 
images of this strip. If there are regions with no points 
transferred from the first reference image, we treat these 
areas such as in the reference image of the first strip. Then, 
the reference images of the second and the third strip are 
matched and so forth. This concept is free regarding the 
number of strips in the block. 
The concept described above starts on a higher level (e.g. 4 
or 5) of the image pyramid. If a sufficient number of con- 
jugate points have been found, they are tracked up to 
the original images. In Figure 2 the general work-flow 
is shown, the single steps are explained in the following 
2.1 Input Data 
The input data consists of a set of images, some initial 
information about their exterior orientation and a set of 
control parameters. 
Images. The images with smaller ground pixel size have 
to be resampled to the largest common ground pixel size 
of all images if there is a significant difference between the 
image scales (factor 2 or more). For our task, this step 
is necessary if images from both HRSC and WAOSS, or 
if images with different macropixel formation are to be 
matched. Starting from the common resolution level, an 
image pyramid for each image is generated. 
Initial Orientation Information. Information about 
the exterior orientation of the images has to be provided by 
control points, orbital data or both of them. For our task, 
control points will be available from the existing ground 
control net of Mars. Besides the control points orbital in- 
formation, i.e. information about position and attitude of 
the scanner for each recorded image line, will be available. 
According to Montenbruck et al. (1994) this information is 
expected to be very precise (~ 10 m, 4") within one flight 
1One strip is normally acquired during one imaging sequence and 
consists of at least 3 images (image strips) recorded by the fore-, 
nadir-, and aft-looking CCD arrays.

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