Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

satellites such the EROS of the IAI and regional 
agreements following the Israel’s joining the European 
Methodological developments have taken place in 
three main areas: multispectral analysis, multitemporal 
analysis and patterns classification. Applications of 
these methods include a wide range of themes, from 
water quality assessments, through land use and 
vegetation dynamics monitoring, to soils and biogenic 
crust mapping. 
Water quality assessments were conducted for the Lake 
Kinneret area by developing spectral signatures of, for 
example, chlorophyll concentrations which are 
indicative of pollution levels. 
Land use monitoring was conducted for the Mount 
Carmel and Haifa area. New methods of multiscale 
texture analysis and parameterisations were developed 
using SPOT panchromatic and multispectral images. 
One of the interesting findings concerned the 
relationships between socio-economic characteristics 
and image parameterizations of building densities and 
vegetation abundance. In another work concerning 
change detection, a technique for monitoring landuse 
changes using SPOT images was developed. 
Soil and lithological studies represent one of the areas 
of common interest. Unmixing methods were 
developed for determining mineral compositions in the 
Machtesh Ramon area using airborne scanner data. 
Biogenic crusts were found to indicate grazing 
intensities and provided new insight into the 
understanding of the Israeli-Egyptian border contrast 
compared to earlier works. In another word vegetation 
dynamics were studied along the climatological 
gradient of the Judean Desert and found that temporal 
patterns of vegetation dynamics correlate well with 
soils distribution. Thus allowing soils mapping, using 
distributions of vegetation indices determined from 
satellite images. 
Rainfall distributions mapping, using radar 
techniques, has been researched. These data may 
provide better understanding of soil erosion and 
vegetation abundance in the semi arid and desert 
Future directions of methodological developments and 
their applications will involve higher levels of 
integration between the spectral (including radar), 
spatial and temporal dimensions of remote sensing 
Multispectral and multitemporal satellite imagery 
is used in Israel in mapping forested areas, 
classification, identification of changes caused by 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 
deforcstation, forest fires, disease etc, and monitoring 
change in canopy density. 
The study and classification of water reservoirs has 
been made using SPOT imagery, through calculating 
surface spectral radiance. 99 Reservoir images were 
analysed and classified by degree of pollution, using a 
drinking water reservoir as ground truth. 
Geological mapping of particularly interesting areas is 
another remote sensing application, especially in 
desert areas. Landüse and urban density mapping has 
been performed, developing computerised technologies 
for differentiating between different types of urban 
areas and their densities. 
A project in geometric model solution of a SPOT 
image, production of orthoimage from panchromatic 
and multispectral imagery and the production of a 
landuse classification map, has been carried out. 
3.3 Education and Research 
Haifa University offers a number of courses in the 
Department of Geography, at the graduate level, 
namely, Introduction to Remote Sensing and 
Advanced Remote Sensing. 
Amongst the research projects at Haifa University 
there are: subsurface coastal mapping by remote 
sensing methods, monitoring coastal changes in the 
Herzlia Marina area by aerial photographs and satellite 
The Bar Ilan University Laboratory for Environmental 
Information and Dynamics is a central facility for 
research and teaching in the areas of Remote Sensing, 
GIS and Environmental Dynamics. 
The objectives of the laboratory are: 
l. Developing methodologies for environmental 
remote sensing with emphasis on monitoring 
Mediterranean, arid and semi-arid environments. 
2. Integrate environmental and ecological data 
derived from remote sensing interpretation into 
Geographical Information Systems (GIS). 
3. Modelling environmental dynamic processes in 
Mediterranean, arid and semi-arid environments. 
4. Providing computer facility for teaching 
undergraduate, M.A. and Ph.D students in the 
areas of Remote Sensing and GIS. 
More than 100 undergraduate students are 
participating in various courses, seminars and 
workshops carried out in the Laboratory each year. 
Research collaboration includes joint projects with 
many scientists in Israel and abroad within the 
framework of groups involved with Mediterranean 

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