Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

Sanso F., Albertella A., Bianco G., Della Torre A., Fermi M., Molla V., Lenti A., Migliaccio F., Milani A., 
Rossi A. 380 
SAGE: an Italian Project of Satellite Accelerometry 
Sausen T.M. 
The Teaching of Remote Sensing in South America 384 
Sibiry Traoré P.C., Doumbia M.D., Sissoko S., Yoroté A., Wagner W., Scipal KL, Gobin A., Campling R, 
Nobbe E., Beck R. 386 
Crop Growth Modelling in Mali Based on ERS Scatterometer Information 
Sweeting M, Sun W. 387 
Low Cost Small Satellites for Earth Observation and Technology Transfer to Developing Countries 
Torres Rodriguez V., Origel Gutiérrez G. 388 
Mapping of Hydrothermal Alteration by Remote Sensing at the Acoculco Caldera, Puebla, Mexico 
Woldai T., Limptlaw D. 395 
Issues and Approaches in Mapping the Impacts of Mining on the Environment in Africa 
(With Test Case From Kitwe Mine, Zambia) 
Zambezi P. 396 
Potential for Computer Assisted Distance Learning in Zambia: What are the Constraints 
and the way Forward 
Appendix: Authors and Co-authors Index 

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