IV L 1 — 291 G. P. Le Divelec, Italy: Checking methods for photogrammetric maps.
IV LB 2 — 33 G. P. Le Divelec—G. Biscaccianti, Italy: Contribution aux études pour
l'application de la photogrammétrie aérienne aux levés urbains à grande
IV L 3 — 102 G. P. Le Divelec, Italy: Essai contrôlé n. 2 »Vercors». Utilisations des
clichés obliques.
IV M 1 — 255 S. G. Môller, Sweden: A method to combine geodetic and photogrammetric
methods with the use of photographic interpretation and helicopter at re
allotment of forested land.
IV M 2 — 257 0. S. Makar: Die neue parallaktische Feinpolygonometrie.
IV T 1 — 37 G. C. Tewinkel, USA: Hydrographic application of photogrammetry in the
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.
IV W 1 — 292 G. D. Whitmore, USA: Economic factors in the integrated photogramme
tric system of the US Geological Survey.
V В 1 — 308
V CV 1 — 51
V E 1 — 307
VF 1 — 138
V H 1 — 321
V H 2 — 309
V К 1 — 320
VL 1 — 318
V M 1 — 136
V M 2 — 53
VR 1 —139
VS 1 — 319
V W 1 — 50
V Y 1 — 137
Commission V
T. E. Blesh, USA:* Postural analysis of Yale University Freshmen.
F. J. G. Cattelain—P. Vermeir: Relevés photogrammétriques de Monu
ments Historiques.
W. F. Engelmann, USA:* Photogrammetry applied to making sculptured
K. J. Fairbanks, USA:* Fairchild analyzer.
В. Hallert, Sweden: Deformation measurements by photogrammetric
J. Halsman, USA:* Stereoscopic medical photography.
P. van de Кату, USA:* Elements of long-focus photographic astrometry.
G. Lemaire, Belgium: Détermination expérimentale de la précision plani-
métrique et altimétrique dans la restitution photogrammétrique d’objets
de petites dimensions. Méthode de calcul de la distorsion.
E. L. Merritt, USA:* System-testing cinetheodolites by stars.
G. T. McNeil, USA:* Macrophotogramme try with the Donaldson stereo
L. Ronca, Italy: O.M.I. Homologo-comparator for the survey of spatial
D. B. Scott, USA:* Microscopic topography by means of surface replicas.
J. II. Wadell, USA:* Photogrammetry and the photography of motion.
T. Yonkler, USA:* Photometric camera.
) USA V contains the American papers in Comm. V. They are marked above with an *).