During the diffraction of these X rays by the atoms arranged regularly in
the parallel plans of distance d, the mutual reinforcement of the reflected
rays is produced under the following conditions:
2 d sin($) = m d Relation of WOULF-BRAGG ( 1 )
m : integer , 8 : complementary angle of incidence angle
The X rays diffraction allows us to study and to caraterize a structure
of crystals which will be identified thanks to established abacuses of
crystalline and mineral elements.
figure 3
Therefore, we have been interested to the soil composition study and we
propose to make the rocks and the soils mineralogie constitution determination
by one diffractometric to X rays (Cobalt anticathod) and by the soil spectral
caracteristic study belonging to a test site called OUM DELOUA ar the east of
Laghouat (Algeria). This sire is caracterized by a sandy cover presenting a
more or less continued variation of the mineralogie composition , and whose
the differences have been perfectely identified on the studied ground. The
figure 4 and the image 3 present a segment test site (500x500 m) with the
Image 3