Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

I would like to open the discussion by referring to the 
general objectives of the activities of Com Vj_, having in mind that our 
society 1SPRS is a nongovernmental international organisation devoted to 
the development of international cooperation for the advancement of 
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and their applications. I would like to 
emphasise that the keywords are precisely the development of 
international cooperation wherever needed. Then l wish to draw your 
attention to the recent general terms of referrence of Com V|_, so that 
we can see more broadly what the responsibilities are and to invite you 
to coutnbute to the discussion of whether these terms of referrence 
need to be changed or emended for the years to come. Also, I would like 
to focus on the coming activities in and after 1992. The aim of the Com 
is economic, professional and educational aspects of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, which is very close to my interests as I earn my 
living as a University teacher. The terms of referrence for Com VJ_ 
consist of seven items for the time being: 
1) Economics and business management of P & RS operations 
2) Professional and ethical aspects of P & RS 
3) Education, classification and retraining of personnel 
4) international exchange of information, documentation and 
research in P & RS 
5) Standardisation of terminology of P & RS 
6) Bibliography and periodicals of P & RS 
7) History of P & RS 
The connection between these terms of referrence and the 
Working Groups for Com Vi is obvious. 
Talking about the education and classification of personnel l 
would like to draw your attention to the importance of classification 
of engineers of our sciences, at least for those of us who work in 
Europe, as the free flow of labour will be introduced in 1992 have to 
be able to be coped with. 
As a matter or fact Com VI is a difficult commission, 
because it deals with a subject which is not nearly as interesting as 
some others Yet, this meeting l hope will be considered as one of the 
most successful and well organised of its kind, partly due to the very

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