>here was app.
in averaged
l for the NOAA-
l if the atmos-
! of the order
lospheric cor-
i data set are
! there is a
¡n the grey lev-
>f the satellite
1 K. Having in
le compared
lommonly accep-
fle infrared
n area derived
irature value of
ire is within
.sius respec-
■e also been
s often obser-
i group at the
of Bergen has
of the currents,
can be of dan-
. oil-fields
current gradi-
iddies off the
The image is
:rom NOAA- 6
. 13. 1981.
irn of eddies is
the pattern
from approxi-
! Celcius. For
lospheric cor-
lave not been
i TM thermal
r HRR, offers the
>T-algorithm to
igainst internal
lata is located
at present
Figure 4.3. A NOAA-6 derived SST image covering the
Sothern Norway and the North Sea. The upper part of
the image is covered by clouds (Cfr. area C fig. 4.1).
they are not available to the users. Therefore, it is
impossible to apply the SST-algorithm to the present
TM data. The SST image presented here is generated
from a look-up table based from comparisons of digital
values and in-situ temperatures at known locations in
the image.
The image data presented in figure 5.1 is a Landsat-
5/TM channel 6 sub-scene from the Troms0 area (Path
197/Row 11) (Area B in fig. 4.1). Troms0 (69.6 N/18.9
E) is located in the upper right corner. The data were
acquired at Kiruna on June 3. 1984, and have been pro
cessed at Troms0 Telemetry Station's image processing
By combining the thermal and a near-infrared channel
the land areas have been removed. Land is represented
by the color black in the image. The different grey
levels of the sea surface have been assigned a tempe
rature as indicated by the scale at bottom left.
When the data were acquired, the current around the
island of Troms0 was moving north (up the image),
transporting relatively warm surface water (app. 10
deg. Celcius) northwards. The island is linked by two
bridges, one to the east, and one to the west (not
seen in the image). As the water flows through the
bridges, the supports of the bridges cause turbulent
mixing of the warm surface water with the colder sub
surface water. This mixing is clearly identified in
the image.
In the centre of the image there is an area where
the surface temperature is approximately 2-3 degrees
below that of the surrounding areas. This is caused
by the upwelling of colder subsurface water due to
the interaction of the small island and the local cur
rent pattern in the narrow sound. Also there is a cold
snow-melt water outlet of a local river.
In the bottom right part of the image, a fjord which
is an outlet for cold water can be seen. The cold wat
er results from the river Malselv transporting cold
snow-melt water from the local mountaineous ares to
wards the sea.
Although the Arctic weather conditions very often lim
its the applications of optical satellite remote sen
sed data in Norway, the results carried out by diffe
rent Norwegian remote sensing institutes show the app
licability of these services in research and to some
extent also in (semi-)operational processing. With
the development of the next generation of all-weather
sensors, specially the operational processing of sat
ellite data seems very promising.
The medium resolution AVHRR-data have been very use
ful in the research towards better understanding of
oceanic processes. The eddies observed off the west
ern coast of Norway (Cfr. figure 4.3) was fully dis
covered when satellite data became .available. SST
studies from airborne remote sensed data have also
been very important in the understanding of the
generation mechanisms for the eddies. In this case,
the research has resulted in a system for forecasting
the eddies from local SST studies.
The present algorithm operated at Troms0 Telemetry
Station apply rediosondes data profiles for atmos
pheric corrections. Since there is a lack of spatial
coverage from the radiosondes, the applications of
these profiles assume a stationary atmosphere, which
is a very idealized, never-occuring assumption. How
ever , a combined application of AVHRR- and TOVS (Tir
os Operational Vertical Sounder) data will offer the
opportunities for taking the spatial atmospheric in-
homogenitites into account when deriving atmospheric
corrected sea surface temperatures. Therefore, the fu
ture activity in Troms0 regarding applications of
NOAA-data will include registered AVHRR- and TOVS-
data processing.
Compared to the 16 day repeat cycle of the Landsat,
the high frequency of repetivity for the NOAA-satel-
lites makes this system very useful for operational
processing in Norway.
Figure 5,1. Landsat-5/TM derived SST image from the
Troms0 area. The observed features are discussed in
the text.
The high resolution thermal infrared TM data seem
very suitable for studying surface temperatures and
currents within the Norwegian coastal-zone. For a
coastal-zone planner specially the applications in
the fjords seem very interesting for the development
of the natural resources.
At present there is a limitation in applying exist
ing SST-algorithms to the TM, due to the lack of cali
bration data. However, this-seems to be a temporary
problem since the ESA/Earthnet plans to include the
in-flight calibration data on the supplied data.